
Chapter 2

They've been married for four years and not even once had that cheater made love to her. Whenever she makes the move, he'll say he's not financially and mentally capable of having kids and truthfully, both couples were not financially bouyant. 

Octavia works at a delivery company while Cullan works at a tech company but he's one of the low level staffs there. Octavia loved him irrespective. She had always thought, 'whenever my husband is ready to have sex with me, I'll be available.' 

Who would have known that while he abandoned her at home, he was hanging out with her sister, having sex with her sister secretly while hoping she won't find out. 

Octavia had just stepped out of the room when she saw a man walking towards the room next door. She recognized the man at once. This was her husband's boss. 

It was that same period that Cullan ran out, "Octavia please, hear me out." he was wearing only a trouser, he didn't have the time to wear a top. 

Octavia walked swiftly towards Cullan's boss who had already opened the door to the room he apparently was lodging in. Octavia stepped inside his room quickly before he could shut the door. 

"Octavia! What are you doing?" Cullan ran towards the door but it had been shut. He hit it repeatedly but there was no response. 

"Octavia, have you been cheating on me?" Cullan asked angrily, hitting the door as if he would break it down. All of a sudden, he started to hear moans and intimate sounds, a clear proof that an hot round of sex was going on in the room. 

"You dare to cheat on me, Octavia, I promise I'll kill you. How dare you!" Cullan continued to hit the door until some guards came around and forced him out of the hotel. 

Whereas, inside the room, Octavia looked at the man embarrassedly. She had intentionally made those intimate sounds so that Cullan will think she was having an intimacy with his boss.

"I'll take my leave now. I'm so sorry to bother you," Octavia said with a heart still badly hurting. 

But the man grabbed her wrist fiercely and pulled her towards him, "who says you can leave?" His dark eyes bore deeply into hers. 

Octavia furrowed her brow in fright, her mouth opened ajar. She had not expected for this man to be suddenly fierce. She could perceive a faint smell of cigarette from him and by his neck was a tattoo of a menacing skull with red eyes. 

She suddenly felt like she had made the greatest mistake of her life, she dared not to look directly into his eyes. "Please sir, let me go." She tried to yank her hand from his grip but it was impossible to escape from such a tall and huge figure. 

Scared that he may hurt her, she made an attempt to scream but he covered her mouth and swiftly changed her position, slamming her back hard to the wall, "dare to scream?"

Octavia's heartbeat became so loud that she felt like her heart will soon break out of her ribcage. Staring at his handsome yet scary look, she almost stopped breathing. 

The imposing figure spoke in his Italian accent again, "Naturally, I would have strangled the life out of you. But today is a special day." Then he let go of her arms and turned from her, "scram!"

Octavia heaved a sigh of relief, she turned, about to walk away but then, the image of her husband cheating on her with her half sister appeared in her head again. It shredded her heart over and over again. She almost burst into a sea of tears but instead of that, she turned to that imposing figure with an Italian accent and asked, "are you expecting someone?"

The man turned slowly to her, the look on his pretty cute face was murderous. "Are you looking for ways to die?" 

She shook her head in response and despite how scary he was, she approached him. Her heart was beating terribly and screaming in her head for her to run away but she disobeyed her instinct. 

Now standing an inch away from him, she said, "I don't mean to intrude on your privacy but if you are not expecting anyone, we could perhaps spend the night together."

The man couldn't believe his ears. He knew this woman had no idea what his real identity is. At first, he had thought the woman was sent by one of his enemies but seeing that the woman is acting too naive, he assumed the woman is just crazy. 

"You are drunk!"

"I'm not. I'm heartbroken." She replied and fell to the bed, then she let out the sea of tears she had been withholding, sobbing quietly. It hurts! For she loved Cullan so much. 

Unmoved by her tears, the man unclothed himself and declared, "if it will make you feel better."

Soon, both adults got engaged in a night of passion. 

Six years later, Octavia returned home sad. In her hand was a sack letter. Octavia works for one of the highest paying company in Atlanta, however, a fraud was detected in her department and despite being innocent, she was amidst the unfortunate twelve staffs that were laid off. 

How will she survive the coming months? What's the probability that she'll get such an high paying job again? Octavia has so many responsibilities, such as her sextuplets. Every mother knows that taking care of a child is a job on it's own, one could imagine how strenuous taking care of six kids of the same age would be like. 

Octavia was so down, the last thing she wants for her sextuplets is for them to have a substandard life. 

On stepping inside, her two daughters rushed in to greet her, hugging her dearly. She kept her sadness hidden and formed a fake smile, exchanging sweet pleasantries with her daughters. 

"Where are your brothers?" She asked. For her sextuplets consist of two girls and four boys. 

"They are playing video games." One of the girls responded in her tiny cute voice. Staring at her beautiful daughters melts her heart, makes her feel like she has the entire world. 

She lead the daughters to the boy's room and then knocked gently before opening the door. 

As soon as the four boys became aware of her presence, they stood and greeted her happily. They weren't all touchy like the girls. Two of them still has game pad in their hands. 

One of the boys suddenly jumped up with a letter in his hand and handed it over to Octavia. 

"Mom, didn't you say our daddy is likely to be in New York? Well, we just got you a job at

one of the highest paying company over there." Says one of the boys. 

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