

My eyes went to the bench where Sofia and Amber were sitting but I found the bench empty.

Where are my girls? They were there the last time I looked.

Panicking, I looked around the room, hoping to see them playing somewhere but there was no sign of them. 

With my heart pounding lightly and the fear of them getting kidnapped, I ran out searching for them.

Where could they have gone?

I got busy for a while and I could check up on them and now they are gone.

I was still searching for them when I got a call from an unknown number, with fear of it being a kidnapper, I answered the call with shaky hands.

“Miss Armani, your children are at the Wong mansion. Come here to get them.” And with that, the line goes dead.

The Wong mansion? Isn't that where the president, Mr Wong stays?

Why does he have my children?

With my purse in hand, I run out of the building, flagging down a taxi and showing him the address to take me to.

When I got there I had paid and I ran out, running into his house.

“Mommy!" Both my children squeal, running to me and I open my arms hugging them.

“My babies. Why did you leave? I was so worried about you. You scared me." I hugged them tightly, taking in their smell.

“Daddy took us with him," Amber says and I pause.

Did she just say, Daddy? Is he letting them call him Daddy?

My blood boiled but I controlled myself.

“No, sweetie he's not your daddy," I tell them calmly hoping they would understand. 

I see Mr Wong walking towards us and I stand up, my temper flaring.

“Mr Wong. Although this might seem like a joke to you I do not appreciate you lying to my children because it would only hurt them.” I tell him, trying to keep my voice level.

How could he? If this is some sort of game that the rich play he should keep my children out of it.

How do I convince them now that he's not their father? 

“But it's not a joke." He says and I pause.


"What do you mean by that? Mr Wong this isn't funny. I may not know a lot of things. But what I do know is.." I start but he cuts me off throwing my world into chaos.

"Do you not know who the father of your child is? Or are you just good at playing dumb? “ He asks sarcastically with his brows raised.

"Give it to her." He tells the man standing next to him and I'm given what seemed to be an envelope.

What's this?

With shaky hands, I open it, looking at the content of the paper, my face whitens in shock and fear.

“No.. this is not true…” The paper slips from my hand falling to the floor.

He simply can't be their father. How can he be the man I slept with three years ago?

"Take the children upstairs." He orders and the woman who has been standing by the same carried them off.

“Three years ago, I was drugged and taken advantage of by someone and you whom I haven't met before somehow gave birth to children that are mine. It fits in, doesn't it? I could sue you and have you in jail for as long as I want.” He says, and from the look on his face, I know that he is being serious.

"I was drugged too, I didn't… " I start to explain, my eyes going up to where my children were just led to.

“This could just be a lie you're telling to get away freely. But even if it is true, who would believe you? Who would people believe between me and a girl no one has ever heard about?” He asks and I grit my teeth knowing he is right.

If I had known that this would happen after I came back to America I would have stayed back in Italy.

“What do you want?" I force out through gritted teeth because I know they always want something.

After hearing my question his lips formed into a smile and he knows he has me cornered.

“I want you to get married to me." He says and my mind blanks.

Is he crazy? He wants me to get married to him? I would never do that.

“What? Did I ask too plainly? You want me to get on my knees and whip out a giant diamond ring from my back pocket?” He asks me, sarcasm dripping from his words.

" I won't get married to you,” I say and I hope he knows that I meant it.

How can he just ask me to get married to him? 

“Oh, you think you have a choice here? If you say no I would fight for the rights of my children and make sure that you don't ever see them again. You would lose custody of both the girls. It's a threat.” His face was stoic, devoid of any emotions as he threatened to take my children away from me. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place

"It's for two years. After two years had elapsed, we would get a divorce and of course, you would be paid handsomely for your time and services. Just make sure you don't cheat on me in these two years, don't do anything that would embarrass my name, and make sure you don't get any unwanted feelings for me cause once any of these happens the contract is as good as gone and so are your children. Do we have a deal?” 

He's asking me if I would be able to refuse this. 

I glared hard at him, making it clear that I hated him at that moment. 

Gritting my teeth, I force two words out.

“We do." 

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