

Everything was awkward for me when his eyes met mine and then went to my intern tag hanging from my shoulders. I was really happy when he didn't say anything about the way I behaved in the elevator and I didn't lose my internship. 

After briefing us about everything, we were told the ropes of what we do. 

Which is obviously to design clothes and bring designs to life.

The rest of the day had gone back quickly and soon, I was out of the building rushing home. 

I felt eyes on me when I left the building and I turned around, meeting the stares of the president from an office on the top floor.

Smiling, I wave my hands at him then turn around grimacing.

I just hope I keep this job. 

The rest of the month flew by hectically and I've been avoiding my boss as much as I could.

“What do you mean you can't come in today?" I asked my children's nanny in surprise. She wasn't here on time like she usually was and had called me to let me know that she wouldn't be coming in today.

After she apologized to me the call went dead and I looked at my twin girls who were playing by the table. 

“Girls, what do you think about coming with me to work today?” I ask my children, squatting by the table side at their level. 

They both yelled excitedly, attacking me with hugs. They have always wanted to come to work with me, but I was afraid I wouldn't be able to take care of them properly. 

I just hope nothing would go wrong today.

We had all left the house and headed for the company.

The moment we stepped in, the girls were overwhelmed by the running around people were doing.

“Now girls. Make sure never to leave my side." I tell them and they both nod, gripping my finger tighter.

“Whose kids are these." Maria, the intern coordinator asks, staring at my kids with a frown on her face.

"They are mine,” I answer, hoping doesn't ask me to take them out.

"Get them out of the way.” She orders and brushes past me.

"Now kids. You'd go sit at the corner and don't go anywhere. Play with the crayons you came with. Mommy has to work.” I squat to their height, telling them softly. Both their identical black eyes shone as they nodded their heads.

They looked almost Asian, and I wondered if their father had some Asian blood in him 

I watched as they both ran to the bench I had pointed for them, giving me the chance to join in with what they were doing.

_Richard Wong’s POV_

I had just gotten off the phone with my mother, who was nagging me about getting married. 

“What's the next thing?" I asked my assistant and he instantly told me I had an important meeting to go to now.

I'd rather not go for it.

I was about to head to the meeting room when I saw two twin girls who looked oddly familiar running into the elevator.

"Hold on," I tell my assistant, taking large strides to them.

I got into the elevator just in time before it closed, looking at the two children smiling mischievously at themselves. My assistant was right behind me. 

Where's their mother? What kind of irresponsible woman leaves her children wandering around alone in a place like this? 

“Hi." One of the girls says waving at me with a smile on her face.

“Sofia! Mommy said not to talk to any strange person.” The other one scolds her, pushing her twin’s hands down. 

Sofia rolled her eyes and sat on the floor, her legs folded beneath her.

They both had black eyes and hair, their hair was cut in a short bob on their head and they looked almost Korean. 

“Where's your mom?” I asked them, looking between the both of them.

“Mommy is working. We didn't want to disturb her so we want to get food on our own.” The other twin answered, holding onto her teddy bear tightly. 

I don't think they realize that the elevator isn't moving. 

I watch the girls as they whisper to themselves about something, I could hear them clearly but they were whispering.

I don't know why each time I look at them something feels off.

“Have a paternity test done. I want the results before the end of today." I ordered my assistant and he nodded. 

"Do you want to follow me to get some food? “ I ask and they both don't hesitate before saying no.

"Mommy said not to follow strangers to get food," Sofia answers, holding onto her sister's hand tightly. 

Their stomach grumbled loudly and I sighed. It was barely one o’clock and if my speculations are right, their mother is an intern here and interns are busy at the moment.

I doubt she would be able to feed them.

“Come let's get you food," I say, pressing the key to my office floor.

“Sir, what about your meeting?" My assistant asks but I shut him up with a look.

This is more important. 

Three years ago I slept with a woman I don't know, and it wouldn't be wrong to be certain if they are mine or not.

Assistant Kim was able to get a few strands of their hair and mine to use for the test.

He left to get the test done, leaving me all alone with the children who were eating in a corner of my office.

When they were done eating, I wiped their faces and gave them paper and crayons to work with, staring out of the window patiently waiting for my assistant. 

A few hours later my assistant came in handing me the report papers. Opening them, I scanned the result, not being shocked about the result.

‘99.99999 percent match.’

They are my children. 

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