

When I woke up, the bed was empty and I was the only one in the room. I had freshened up, taken my bag, and headed out.

I saw the bouncer from yesterday and I walked up to him about to ask for his number when he whipped around spotting me.

His face morphed into guilt and he started apologizing.

I was confused about what he was apologizing for until he cleared my initial confusion, throwing me into a greater one.

“I'm sorry about last night. I said I was going to come back but I couldn't." He apologized sincerely and I looked at him shocked and confused.

What's he talking about? If he was not the one that came into my room last night, who did? 

“I would make it up to you, I promise." He rubbed my arm, then walked away leaving me standing there confused and speechless.

Who came into my room last night? Who did I have sex with?

Oh my…  

This is the kind of thing Veronica did, not me. Having sex with strangers just for the fun of it. 

Clutching my bag tightly, I made my way to exit hoping to get this all behind me. 

Get an STI test then and then get it all behind me.

Oh fuck. We didn't even use a condom last night. The worst thing that can happen to me is if I get pregnant by a total stranger.

But I'm on the pill, so I don't have to worry about that.


It's been three weeks since it all happened, three weeks without my best friend and boyfriend.

I looked at the test strip on the table, and it stared back at me, its results mocking me.

You know that the pill works 99% of the time, it seems that I'm part of that unfortunate 1%.

I'm not ready for a child now, I'm only twenty years old. How would I take care of a child, I can barely take care of myself. 

“Gabriella, are you even listening to me?" My mother asked, and I looked at my phone on the table. 

I forgot she was still on the call.

"Yes, mother?" I asked her because telling her I wasn't paying attention would cause her to start ranting.

“You would take care of that child. And you would raise that child with love. I didn't kill you, so you have no right to kill that innocent child." She tells me and my head starts throbbing, I feel a headache coming up.

“That's because I was planned, right Mother?" I ask her but I'm only greeted by silence. Wait, wait.

“I was planned mother, right?" I repeat the question, hoping for her to say yes.

“Your dad needs me, get on the first flight tomorrow and get here." She rushes out and the lines go dead.

Why didn't she answer me? 

The next morning I saw myself on the flight back home, everything behind me.

Maybe when I'm back everything would be better and I would be healed.

Mom and Dad met me at the airport after my flight landed and I can say that I missed them.

The next nine months passed by in a blur and soon I was pushing my two princesses out of my vagina.

Their midnight black eyes stare up at me, but the thing is no one in my family has black eyes.

“I hope that's the only thing they got from their father," Mom says, cooing at Sofia, my first child.

The next three years had gone faster than the first nine months and soon I was returning to America to chase my dreams to be a fashion designer. 

I had gotten an internship at one of the top fashion companies in America and I wanted to make the most of it. 

I had found a house close to my workplace so I wouldn't have to be far from my children and it didn't take long to get everything set up.

I had to start work the next day so I hired a nanny to take care of the children. 

The problem is, the nanny is an hour late which makes me late for work.

“Sorry ma'am. I had an emergency and .." The nanny started explaining the moment she got there but I couldn't wait to listen.

“I’m late. There are a lot of do’s and don'ts written on paper. I kept it on the table. I'd be here in the evening.” I say and rush out, running. 

I flagged down a taxi and he drove me to my workplace.

Luckily, it wasn't far from home.

After paying him, I started to run inside the building, ignoring the stares I was getting from people.

I don't care about their stares I was late already on my first day.

I was supposed to be on the third floor by 9:00 and it's already 9:17.

“Please wait," I yell at the man who just entered the elevator, hoping he would stop it from closing. 

But he only took in my appearance and then looked away.

Cursing him, I increased my speed, getting there in time to slip in.

"Are you deaf? I had asked you to not let it close." I say to him, glaring at him.

He looked at me then looked away, completely ignoring me. 

We both stopped at the same floor and I pushed past him, bumping my shoulder with his.

“You are?" A lady there asked and I replied immediately.

“I’m an intern ma'am.”

" You're late. You're just lucky that the president is just getting here.” She sees before fixing a smile, going to greet someone behind me 

The president? I would be learning directly under the president. 

Who is he?

Turning around to see who it was, my jaw dropped to the floor when I saw her going to meet the man I saw at the elevator.

He's the president? 

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