

I stood at the entrance of the club, everything in me screaming to get out of there and go back home. 

Veronica was the party type, not me, she usually dragged me to her parties whenever she went for one but they usually didn't interest me.

Now here I am, at my first party without her.

I had gotten a room in the hotel just in case anything happened and home was too far for me to go. 

“Are you gonna go in or not?" The bouncer asked, obviously tired of me standing there and not doing anything. I turned to look at him to see him staring at me with an eye eyebrowed and interest clearly in his eyes. 

He looked Italian and was very attractive. 

Taking one deep breath, I give him an apologetic smile before walking in.

I just need to unwind and I'd be fine.

Heading straight to the bar, I sit on a stool and look around, unsure of what to do.

“You look lonely." I hear a voice say from beside me and I turn, meeting a pair of boring brown eyes. His hair was also a boring shade of brown and his looks were average. He was spotting a light beard that made him look even more boring. 

If boring was a person. 

Shrugging, I turned my attention back to the dance floor, hoping he would leave. 

I'm starting to regret coming here today.

“I'm Joshua. What's your name." He asks not understanding that I don't want to talk to him.

But not wanting to be seen as rude, I turn to him with a fake smile.

“I'm Gabby," I say, picking up my opened drink on the counter and gulping it down.

I noticed how he was staring at me drinking intently, It seemed weird, but I didn't think much about it 

“If you excuse me. I have to go." I pick up my handbag and stand. My vision doubles and I sway.

What the?

Joshua comes from behind me and holds me.

“I have nothing against you. I just need you for this. Come on let's go." He whispers in my ear, leading me away from the exit.


He drugged me. But how?

I tried to push him away but I was unable to, my insides starting to feel hot and the sudden urge to have sex consumes me.

What did he do to me?

“Don't worry, you would both enjoy it.” 

No. No.

We were halfway gone when someone stopped him, pulling me away from him.

“Are you alright miss?" It was the bouncer from earlier.  I slowly shook my head.

I wasn't all right! The urge to have sex is so high right now and it's driving me insane! 

Joshua was taken out after a few punches and I leaned against the bouncer.

“Thank you," I say. 

He nodded at me but kept staring at me strangely.

"Do you have anywhere to go? Anyone for me to call?” He asks and I shake my head.

“Room 154," I tell him my room name, trying to stop myself from squirming.

Slowly, he led me out of the club, heading to the rooms.

After we had gotten to my room, he had taken the key from my bag and opened the door.

Missing a step, we both stumbled into the room, falling on the bed with his arms around me. 

“I feel so hot. Please…  Please.” I began to squirm under him. 

I felt hot all over and soon I was begging for something I wasn't sure of.

Without thinking about it, I leaned closer and kissed him.

His hands Instantly go around my waist, pulling me closer to him, he deepens the kiss.

Breaking away from the kiss, he peppers kisses on my neck, sucking lightly. This action causes me to moan loudly as I squirm under him.

His phone started ringing and he paused, cursing lightly.

Answering the call, he says something in Italian before saying something that sounded so much like an Italian curse.

“I'd be back." He says then kisses my forehead, walking out of the door, he closes it lightly.

Leaving me in the dark room. When we had come in he didn't bother turning on the lights.

I kept tossing and turning on the bed, feeling so hot. Without thinking about it, I had taken my clothes off and discarded them on the floor.

I need to do something, anything to stop this feeling.

I touched my clit with my fingers, rubbing it in circles. I stopped myself from moaning loudly when I inserted two fingers, gripping the bed sheets tightly with my other hand. 

The door opens and someone walks in, making me pause. 

The door closes immediately he walks in, cutting off all the light from outside.

From his build, I could tell that it was the bouncer. 

I wanted to ask him what had happened, but I decided not to. It wasn't my business.

He fell on the bed next to me, taking deep breaths.

I watched him silently in the dark, not sure of what to do.

I hear him open his belt and release his hard cock and soon his hand was going up and down in fast movements. The sound was soon followed by his groans. 

Was he jerking off on his own? L

Deciding to do something. I push his hand away and take his length in my mouth, beginning to suck on it. 

He cursed loudly, as he fists my hair bobbing my head up and down.

After a light gag, I take my mouth off cleaning the saliva that was dripping. 

Moving over to sit on him, I slowly take his entire length in.

I bit back a moan as I threw my head back, bouncing up and down against him. He grabs my ass tightly as he raises me and lowers me more effectively.

The only thing that could be heard in the silent room was skin slapping against each other and our loud moans. 

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