
The next morning


I woke up with the sun blaring on my face. Opening my eyes, I see that it’s probably already noon and notice that my three alphas were already leaving the bed. Yawning and walk out from the room making me a bit nervous, especially when I saw them eventually at the dining room. Aaron was cooking something in the kitchen. Elm was sitting lazily at the dining chair, and then there was Zephyr, with his prim and proper attitude and his d*mn laptop.

“Mo… Morning…” I said nervously, and the three pairs of eyes looking at me at the same time.

“Morning.” said the three of them, and somehow in a lukewarm reply.

“Have a seat, Aaron is cooking something for us.” Elm pull a chair for me, and I sat immediately. “How’s your sleep?” He added when I finally settled down on the chair.

“Um… Pretty good. I have a strange dream though.” I said to Elm while I pour myself a glass of water.

Zephyr’s eyes looks up at me, “Dream? What kind of dream?”

“Oh, it’s… It’s nothing, just some strange

Oleander = All parts of the oleander plant are toxic. Oleandrin, an extract of the plant, may affect heart function and could prove lethal at the wrong dose. Oleander is originally a Mediterranean plant but can adapt to many different types of soil. The plants have been planted on roadsides and in gardens. In keeping with the Mediterranean origin of the oleander,one legend has it that oleander in Greek mythology means romance and charm. A beautiful Greek maiden was wooed by Leander who swam the Hellespont every night to see his beloved.

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