
Chapter 13 – Is this Leona Simmons?

After the interview; Emmett decided to stay around the office until the final draft was completed for his interview with Leona Simmons. ‘If I am going to put my name on the interview; I want to make sure it is done properly’ he says to himself.

Even though he was only away for a few days; there was a lot of work to catch up with. Busying himself into his work while he waited; a message comes through on Emmett’s phone.

Smiling at the screen, seeing the message was from Simone; he quickly hits the call button. “Are you missing me?” Emmett asks when she answers the phone.

“No” her playful tone comes through the receiver. “I just wanted to know if I should cook dinner for you or not.”

“I’m finishing up the final draft of the interview. I will come home once it’s done” Emmett tells her; noting to punish her for toying with him. ‘That’s twice she needs to be punished’ he grins to himself with all the different ways he was going to enjoy her punishment. “I shouldn’t be too long.”

“Ok. I’m ma
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