

Upon hearing that news, all the heat became secondary.

We hastily put on the clothes we had managed to remove, and before heading outside, that silly guy planted a sweet kiss on my lips, eliciting a smile from me at his tender actions.

I hurriedly walked with Jack close behind towards the emergency room, where upon arrival, I found that pale-faced girl lying on a stretcher, with Victoria holding her hand standing beside.

That woman remained as stunning as I remembered, adorned in extravagant and dazzling outfits that suited her so well, resembling a model straight out of a fashion magazine.

Seeing me arrive with Jack, she was frozen, unsure of what to say. After all, she couldn't have imagined in a million years that we would all reunite in such a situation.

"What happened to her?" I asked the blonde, who stood there staring at me dumbfounded, as if she had witnessed the most horrible ghost of her damn life.

I stood next to the stretcher with Nurse Kim and a few other interns behind m
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