
Foiled Plans and Getaways

Magnus took the two women back to the Bus Stop Diner and left two of his men to watch them. He and the other three went back to the Black Hole back parking lot to find out what was going on there. He was seeing red by the time he got there.

Cliff, the fool from the day he got there, was there with several others. Magnus didn’t have to do much at first. Cliff was doing a great job of telling the wolves there what a poor plan it was and that their alpha would learn of it. They’d failed to research what was going on right under their noses. This group let not one, but two healthy females, get away from the pack.

Magnus couldn’t believe what he was hearing. No, this was Cliff. From his experience with him, Magnus couldn’t be surprised. These were adult shifters, people in their own right. Not just breeders. The very thought turned Magnus’ stomach. Instead of taking them on though, Magnus directed his men to leave the area.

“It’s a waste of time to step
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