
Lunch with Ivory

Sapphire left Magnus at the custom bike shop and made her way to the pharmacy where she bought a few things the cover her story and spend the time before she was to meet with Ivory.

Now she sat in the diner at the bus station and waited for Ivory to sail in here like she owned the place. Which she didn’t, but that didn’t mean a thing to Ivory. Ivory just believed everyone owed her whatever she wanted. She didn’t pay around town. Instead, Sapphire would have to pay the tabs she ran up in various places every month.

Sapphire sat there drinking her iced tea and worrying about what Magnus would say if he knew she was doing this. She was in a public place, and Ivory may have a mouth on her, but if she brought someone else with her, Sapphire would scream for help, and she was sure someone would help.

She had a strange feeling when she thought of Magnus. She’d experienced only his generous side, and that’s more than she got from anyone else. Sapphire fe
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