
Chapter 3


I knew he was going to reject me, i prepare myself for the excruciating pain that comes along side rejection from one’s mate

“I Klaus Mikealson reject you Amelia…..”

“Stop!..” a voice from behind came, we all turned our faces to know who was the owner of the voice, only to find out it was the king, Klaus father, alpha Mikaelson

“Father…” Klaus called out surprise To see his father.

“You are not going to reject her, you are going to marry her today, I mean now.” The king said with authority, silence befallen the palace every one was silent no one dare say a word.

Everyone was surprised by the king’s word, I was more surprised, though the king has always been like a father to me, he was the only one, who didn’t rain insults on me, he was the only one who didn’t look down on me or treat me like trash.

But I didn’t expect him to stand by me, instead of his son, I look at him with tears in my eyes, he look at me and smile

“Father what do you mean by that?.” Klaus asked

“You are going to marry Amelia today,” the King repeated


“ father, I can’t do that, I can’t marry a weak wolf less omega, the daughter of a slut.” I said to my father, annoyed.

How could he tell me to marry, Amelia, ever since I was young I have always hated her.

And to think my father is telling me KLAUS MIKAELSON to marry her got me really upset, how can I marry an omega, a wolf less one at that,


I will never marry her even if the world came down I will still not marry her.

I gave my father my seriousness look so he will know I have made up my mind and nothing can change it.

He look at me and shake his head, I look at Amelia, whose face was already filled with tears, she is so weak and pathetic, how can she be crying because a guy rejects her.

Well she is a pathetic orphan, whose mother was a whore, I guess her mother pass that gene to her

I was still staring at her with a look of disgust in my face when my father’s words caught my attention.

“Klaus you are going to regret this.” He said and left the party.

I turn to Amelia to inflict more psychological pain to her but I couldn’t find her, I guess she ran out when my father was saying something about regret.

My father’s words didn’t mean anything to me, I know what I wanted and it certainly not her,

Gosh, she disgusts me!

I was about to leave when my father came back holding Amelia hands and walking towards my direction, what is he doing?

I thought we just had a mutual agreement that I wouldn’t marry Amelia.

“We are holding your wedding now,” my father said, I couldn’t believe my ears,

what was he saying ?

Is he kidding me?

“Father…I say I’m not…” I was cut short by his next word

“If you don’t do as I say now, I will stripped you of all your right and you will never rule after my death, the kingship will pass to another.” He said with authority, and I knew he was serious, he wasn’t kidding.

But I can’t adapt to it, I can’t lose all my rights, if I do what will my friend say about me, my father knew my weak point that why he is using it on me

He knew I will do anything he says, when he comes to the throne.

I look at Amelia who was avoiding eyes contact with me, she look so pathetic.

If this is the marriage she wanted, I will give her a wedding along side excruciating pain till death do us part.

I moved to her and whispered something to her ears

“I’m going to marry you whether you like it or not, but just know this is the end of the little pathetic happiness in your life, I’m gonna make your life miserable, I’m gonna fill it with pain and suffering, you are going regret getting married to me, you are going to beg me to divorce you and I won’t grant you that satisfaction.” I whisper into her ears I could feel her shivering, she wanted to say something, I knew what she was about to say, I knew she wanted to refuse the marriage, but I wasn’t gonna let her do that, never!

I knew if she refused my father will suspect me and will take the throne from me and stripped me out of my inheritance and I’m not gonna to let that happen, not now not ever.

“Don’t even think about refusing this marriage, because if you do I will track you down and kill you,” I said to her and walked to my father.

“Father, I will do as you say, I will marry her.” I said to my father, forcing a smile on my face, he smile brightly and hugged me.

“Okay that’s good son let the wedding begin.” My father said with a smile on his face.

Hours later

The ceremony was over, we are now husband and wife, guest started leaving, little by little

Soon after, all the guests left,

I stood up and headed to my room, she followed me, the fact that she will be staying in the same room with me got me upset, I turned my back and look at her again, she bow her head looking at the floor, the sight of her brought up the memories of our sex


I hated the fact that I had sex with her, and to think I liked it and looking at her, makes me want to have that night over and over again

Fuck what is wrong with me

I need to get her out of my head


I got into my room, pick up my phone and call Lily my favorite whore,

I knew if I wanted to have a mind blowing sex to help me forget about my previous sex, Lily is the best person to call

And moreover she is the queen of blowjob


thinking about it, woke my lying cock, I could feel it harden.

Amelia on the other hand stood inside my room like a lost puppy she was confused, I could feel her shivering, beads of sweat was coming out of her face.


I stood there silently, waiting for him to say something or do something, I didn’t want to do anything that would upset him more, at this point I was so scared, after everything he said to me at the hall, i am now scared for my life.

After waiting for few minutes, which seems like a lifetime, he still didn’t say anything he just sat on the bed while pressing his phone, he kept staring at the door as if he was waiting for someone.

Few minutes later a blonde haired lady walk into the room, she was very beautiful, she was putting on a lingerie, all her body was out for seeing.

Klaus saw her and smiles, her eyes immediately caught me, I was still on my wedding gown.

She looked at Klaus.

“Who is she?” She asked Klaus

“She is just a whore my father force me to marry, don’t mind her.” He said to her, his words was like a dagger to my heart, there was nothing I could do I kept quiet, looking at them.

“Okay love.” Lily said and kiss him.

Klaus grabbed her nipple and start sucking it, he tore her panties and drive is cock into her pussy, earning a soft moan from her.

Tears flow down my eyes, I could feel the excruciating pain that comes with one’s maté cheating.

I stood up and was about to leave, but I stop at my track when I heard his next statement.

“You are not allowed to leave this room until I finish having sex.” He said

Wait what?!

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