
Chapter 2


i slowly opened my eyes, feeling a striking headache, i slowly turned my head and was shocked by the sight of the figure on my bed


What is this slut doing on my bed?!


Memories of last night kept flooding in my head

Did i really have sex with the daughter of a slut

No! No!

I stood up from my bed and stare closely at the figure on my bed, she was sleeping soundly

Which annoys me more, i walked closer to the bed were she was, I took her hand and drag her out of my bed.

Making her body hit the floor, she yanked up in pain.

“Ahhhhh….” She screamed while slowly opening her eyes.

“You slut, what are you doing In my bed? get out now, I don’t want to see you here, when I come back from the shower.” I said to her then head to the shower.


As I watch him walk into the bathroom, I felt pain all over my body, not only that, I felt my heart split into pieces.

His last words kept on playing in my head, it hurt to hear that from him after taking my virginity.

Tears started flowing down my eyes, now I realize I have made the biggest mistake.

I was supposed to give my virginity to my mate not this rude and disrespectful Klaus

“It’s okay Amelia, it’s wasn’t called for, we didn’t expect it to happen and besides check the time, it almost 12am, we are clocking 18 and we will finally get to see our mate, we are supposed to be excited, not sad over something we can’t take back.” My wolf Amy said.

Yes she was right, I need to forget about that and focus on the day I have been waiting for, for so long

I check the wrist watch on my wrist, it was already 11:20 pm.

Few minutes for now all my dreams will come true.

I smiled to my self imagining how it will be to hug and kiss my mate.

I pick up my torn panties and my dress, I quickly wore my dress, while holding my pant in my hands, I knew I couldn’t wear it because the beast torn my pant to thread.

I stood up and left the room, I went into my tiny room, took my bath and wore my favorite dress, though is not really nice but that was all I had.

When I was done, I comb my hair and pack it into a ponytail, I took the little lipstick I was saving for this day and apply it to my lips.

I check the broken mirror in my room to look at my appearance, though I wasn’t as beautiful has other ladies but to me I was okay.

I could hear music from outside, I guess the alpha coronation has started.

Today was Klaus birthday so they are holding a party for him and also a coronation.

I check the time again, it was 12 am.

I smiled.

“Happy birthday to me .” I said to myself.

I walked out of the palace and headed to the woods, it was full moon, this was the time for me to know if I have a wolf or not.

I wait for hours and nothing happens.

“So that means I have no wolf.” I said to myself but indirectly talking to my wolf

“Yes, but it’s not that bad we can also look for our mate.” She said and immediately the scent of mint hit my nostrils

I knew it was my mate, I knew following the scent will lead me to my mate.

I started walking towards the direction where the scent was coming from.

The scent led me inside the palace where the alpha coronation is being held, I walked in to the palace, they were a lot of people there.

The place was crowded with a lot of people and secondly I noticed they all gathered watching something.

I was curious to see what everyone was watching and why the hell was they all so concentrated in looking at what they were all looking at

And besides the scent was pulling me there, I walked there and squeeze myself into the crowd.

That was when I came across a gigantic black wolf, with a ocean blue eyes.

I kept staring at the wolf nobody needed to tell me that the wolf was Klaus because I knew it was him, but most importantly I also knew he was my mate.

Both of us were staring at each other, I could see the hate and disgust in his eyes.

I felt, I was dying.

“No….no…no.” I kept on saying why I broke into tears, I knew Klaus hated me and will never accept me as his mate.

Why is my life like this?

Am I cursed?

Why can’t I find any atom of happiness in this life?

What have I done to the moon goddess to pair me with Klaus?

A lot of questions kept flooding my mind.

Meeting my mate was my only hope for a new and happy life, but now that dreams has just been caught short because my mate is a devil incarnate.

He immediately turns into his human form and wore his clothes.

He walked to my direction drawing attention to me, I immediately clean my tears and tried to put on a straight face.

I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing my pain.


We both said the word looking at each other, a part of me wishes he wouldn’t reject me, that since he knew I was his mate he will look at me differently and his hate for me will turn into love, but I also knew, it wouldn’t happen, those things only happens on movies or fairy tales and this isn’t a movie or fairy tale, this is reality.

He looked at me from head to toes, I could see the disgust in his eyes, I was eagerly waiting for him to say something, anything, his silentness was killing me and the way he was looking at me, I felt embarrassed, not to talk about the crowd of people who was also looking at us.

But mostly, me, some with disgust, some with hatred, they couldn’t believe that a slave like me is mated to their future leader.

I could see hate, disgust on their eyes.

I looked at Klaus who was still staring at me

After staring at me for what seems to be forever he burst into laughter.

I was shock with his reaction, that wasn’t what I expected from him, I knew his laughter wasn’t from happiness.

“Ha..ha…ha, the moon goddess most be kidding me, how could she pair me with a weak wolf less omega like you,like what have i done to deserve this curse not just that you are useless, you are also the daughter of a slut.” He said why looking directly to me

Tears rolled down my cheeks, every words from him was like a dagger to my heart, I could feel every word piercing into my heart, I could feel the excruciating pain.

I knew he was going to reject me, i prepare myself for the excruciating pain that comes along side rejection from one’s mate

“I Klaus Mikealson reject you Amelia…..”


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