
Chapter 4


Two months later…

It’s been two months of hell and torture, marrying Klaus is my worst nightmare, as much as I love my life, I also wanted the torture and pain to end, I wanted to end my life.

I am done with this suffering, all my life, I struggle to live and survive because I believe one day I will be happy, when I find my mate, things we change, little did I know, finding my mate would be my worst nightmare.

I walked into the room, only to hear moans

“Oh…umm…Klaus…” a lady moan loudly.

These has being what I have been facing for the past two months, different whores sometimes he force me to watch him and his whore fucking

He torture and cause me pain day by day, he calls me names, I have become the laughing stock for everyone in the kingdom.

He starve and humiliate me.

He saw me and smile devilishly, he knew I was in pain, he love inflicting pain on me.

Just when I thought I was use to his torture, seeing him banging a whore in our matrimonial bed, brought back pain.

I can’t take it anymore, it is better for me to die, than live a life of torture and pain everyday,

I went to my drawer inside the room and took the bottle of sniper, I have been keeping for a long time, incase things comes to this.

I don’t want to live anymore, I want to kill my self.

I took the sniper and walk out of the room, I wanted to go to my secret spot where no one could see me.

I was heading there when I mistakenly pump into someone, the sniper in my hands fell on the floor, I raise my head to see who it was, only to find out it was the king.

He has been away since Klaus and I got married I was surprised to see him.

He bent down and pick the bottle of sniper on the floor.

“What are you using a sniper for?” He asked, I kept quiet I couldn’t even look at his face.

“Amelia, don’t tell me, it is what I’m thinking.” He said again, I tried to open my mouth to deny it, but my emotions betrayed me, I raise my head, tears kept rolling down my cheeks, I couldn’t even stop it.

I couldn’t even believe I had gone through too much pain for me to decide I want to end my own life.

The look of disappointment he was giving me turned to look of pity.

He wasn’t around so he didn’t know what I have been through in the hands of his son.

I have been through hell, that I even wanted to end my life so the pain can stop.

He took me in his hands and gave me a tight hug, I don’t know why I felt comfortable, this was the first time in my entire life someone is hugging me and it was the king himself.

“What happened?” He asked, I tried to open my mouth to say something, but I couldn’t even comprehend a complete word.

I just stay in his embrace and cried, luckily for me, no one was in the hallway.

After few minutes of me crying in his shoulders, I pull from his embrace.

He look at me and hold my hands.

“Come with me,” he said and drag me, I had no choice but to follow him, even though I don’t know where he was taking me.

He arrived at the kitchen, all the maids there was gossiping about me and slandering my name, they were so engrossed that they didn’t even notice the king and I was standing in the kitchen, till the king made a cough sound.

They all move their heads to our direction, they were so scared, they immediately bow their heads to greet the king.

“So this is what you do, you slander your future Luna?” He asked, they kept quiet, they were shivering, I could see the bead of sweat in their faces.

“Do you want me to call the guards to behead you all?” He asked, I could sense their fear

“We…. are… so..rry.” They all apologized together.

“You are not to apologize to me, apologize to whose name you were slandering.” He said with his voice filled with authority.

They all fell on their knees and apologized to me, I didn’t even know what to say, all my life only the king, has always stood up for me.

“You all should leave us.” He said, they all ran out of the kitchen, without looking back, I smiled, for the first time in my life I felt cared for.

“So little future Luna, What do you want me to cook for you? “He asked looking at the shelves, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, the king cook for me, am I even worth it?

“Your majesty…” I called out but was cut short, with his finger on my lips.

I don’t know why, but my body was responding to his touch, I lick my lips seductively, he immediately took his hands from my lips, he acted nervous, to think the king was shy, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Why are you laughing.” He asked trying to distract himself from looking at my face, and I look at his face, this is the first time, I concentrate on his face, werewolf has this gene that makes them to stay young, I knew the king would be more than 40 years old but he looks has if he was 18 years old.

Fuck what is wrong with me, am I admiring my husband’s father.


“I will prepare you my favorite meal.” He said bringing me out of my dream land.

I kept quiet and watched as he ran up and down trying to make the meal perfect, I couldn’t help but laugh, he doesn’t even know how to cook.

When he was done with the food the kitchen was mess up

It looks as if two animals fought in the kitchen

He ditched the burn plantain on the plate and serve it to me.

I couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“Look ignore, how black or ugly it looks, just have a taste.” He said shifting the plate of food to me.

I tried to stand up from the stool I was sitting, but I mistakenly slipped, I almost fall but I was caught by the king.

His hands were on my waist, I stare at his ocean blue eyes, I felt lost in them, he was also staring at my face, I lick my lips seductively, he moved his hands and touched my lips softly.

I felt a sweet spark, I crossed my arms over his neck and pull him closer to me, and kiss him.

He drew me closer to him, and deepen the kiss,

He moved his hands and grabbed my breast, he cupped my breast and took my nipple in his mouth.

“Ohhh…umm..” I moan softly, I knew having sex with my husband’s father, was not right but I wanted it.

I wanted to make a wrong choice for the first time,

I gently moved my hands into his trouser and grabbed is dick

Fuck is dick is so much bigger that Klaus

He wanted to stop

“We can’t do this, you are my son’s wife.” He said trying to pull my hands out of his trouser but I wanted it, I didn’t care about Klaus,

I drag him closer to me and kiss him passionately until he gave up and kiss me back.

He pull my pants and slide his dick into my pussy while grabbing my boobs.

“Yes… ummm.” I moan out loudly not caring that we were in the kitchen.

“Harder….” I moan

“Fuck baby you are so tight.” He grunted while, going in and out of me like a werewolf that he was

“What the fuck” a voice came in from behind and it was Klaus

We turned our back only to see Klaus standing on the door and watching his father fuck me


I’m dead!

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