
Pregnant for my husband’s father
Pregnant for my husband’s father
Author: Princess cassie

Chapter 1


Waking up from my bed with a smile on my face, today is a new day, and I’m so excited because tomorrow I will be clocking 18 years old and I will finally get to see my wolf and my mate.

All my life I have been waiting for the day I clock 18, so I get to meet my mate, who will love and care for me, who won’t treat me like a trash or homeless omega like everyone else and most importantly I will get to leave this god forsaken palace.

Well let me formally introduce myself to you all, my name is Amelia Lockwood, well there is nothing much about me, just that I’m an orphan, who doesn’t even know her real parents.

I grew up in the palace, well from the little I know, or should I say from the little I was told, my mom was a slut who opens her legs for any man that comes in her way, so she got pregnant and ran away after giving birth to me in the palace dumping me in the palace and also running away with the palace funds.

The queen who we all call the luna took me in and raise me, so that I could work and pay of the debt of my mother, I have been a slave ever since I turned six years old.

Well to cut the story short everyone hated me and called me the daughter of a slut and thief, and to make matter worse I am an omega.

And I know you will be asking what that means

Well let me brief you on how it works

In the world of werewolves they are different species of werewolves, we have the alphas which are the most powerful werewolves

We have the betas which are the second most powerful, they are powerful but not has powerful has the alphas

And lastly we have the omegas, which are the weakest, they are two types of omegas the ones that has a wolf and the one that doesn’t.

The ones that doesn’t have a wolf is the weakest among them all and tomorrow I will find out if I have a wolf or not.

Well enough about boring werewolves history let’s go back to the matter on ground.

Tomorrow is my birthday as well has Klaus birthday.

Klaus is the son of the king, who will all call Alpha Mikaelson.

Tomorrow Klaus will also be clocking 18 years old, so he will be ascending the throne as the new alpha (king) that’s only if he finds his mate that same day

Tomorrow is Klaus coronation that when he will meet his mate and wolf.

Well enough of that you will find out the rest as we continue with the story.

Right now let’s focus on the main part, which is me

I stood up from my bed and headed to my bedroom, I tried to turn on the shower but it wasn’t working, so I took the other option, which is bathing with the little bucket of water I saw in my bathroom.

When I was done, I wore my clothes, which is the maid uniform.

I took my cleaning equipment and headed out to do some cleaning.

Few hours later….

After hours of cleaning all the rooms, I was only left with one more room to clean, which was Klaus room.

I got inside the room, but no body was inside, I breathed a sigh of relief, I knew how much Klaus hates me, so it was best that he wasn’t in his room.

I took out my cleaning equipment and started cleaning, I was half way done with the room, when I noticed, a shadow figure.

I turn my back to see who or what it was, when my eyes came in contact with an half naked Klaus.

He wasn’t putting on anything except the towel that was wrap around his waist.

His bare chest was dripping water, indicating that he was just coming out from the shower, his wet black hair covered most of his face.

I stood there staring at him, confused on what to say.

He walked straight to me,

every of his steps towards me gave me an unimaginable feelings I can’t even explain, I felt paralyzed by his presence.

I don’t know what is wrong with me but the more he moved closer to me and the more I stare at the towel wrap around his waist, i just hope the towel will fall down, so I can get a perfect view of his cock.


What is wrong with me?

I tried to move backwards, that when I realized that my back was resting on the wall already.

Now I was trapped with no way to run or to hide

I looked at his eyes, it wasn’t normal, I knew something was wrong but I don’t know what it was.

He grabbed my hands and dragged me closer to him, that was when the wild smell of alcohol hit my nostrils.

He was drunk!

That is when reality hit me, I tried to escape but his grip on me tightened, I knew I won’t be able to escape, he was an alpha and he was hundreds times stronger than me.

Even if I tried I can’t escape, he moved his other hands to my face.

He touched my face warmly, I don’t know but as much as I wanted to escape this but I also wanted it, more than anything else, it was as if my body was craving for this for a long time.

He moved his hands to my lips and touched it, he then bent his head and kiss me.

His warm and soft lips devoured mine like an hungry beast, i had no choice but to give in, to my wants, even if it just once i didn’t care if I was making a mistake all I wanted was him.

My body was craving his touch and I wanted more.

I kissed him back passionately.

The kiss lasted for minutes until we couldn’t catch our breath, he then pull his lips from mine giving me the opportunity to catch my breath.

He moved his lips to my neck gently raining little kisses on my neck.

He gently pulled my shirt and unhooked my bra from behind.

He move his hands to my rounded boobs and cupped it,

“Ahhh…. Uhm…” a soft moan left my mouth without my consent.

He carried me to the bed and lay me on the bed admiring my naked body, I was already naked, the only thing remaining on my body was just my pant

Which he immediately torn, he took my nipple into his mouth and sucked it.

The more he was slow the more I wanted more, my body was craving for his.

I wanted his cock in my pussy.

I stare at the towel which was still wrapped around his waist, I dragged the towel.

The towel fell on the floor leaving him totally naked.

Then my eyes caught glimpse of his huge cock.

“Fuck! How could his dick be this huge And it my first time having sex, will it be able to enter into my tiny pussy.” I thought to myself.

He rubbed the tip of his huge cock on the surface of my wet pussy earning a soft moan from me.

Fuck I wanted him so badly

He slowly push his cock into my pussy, I felt a sharp pain, which later turns into pleasure.

A mix of pleasure and pain was what I felt at first but later turn into pure pleasure.

He grabbed my boobs why he kept pushing in and out of my pussy

“Yes…. Oh… that’s…it…” I screamed in moans immediately he hit my g spot. While grabbing and drawing him more closer to me.

“Ahhhhh…” he grunt, while pulling in and out of me..

After few minutes of memorable sex, we both reach our orgasm…

“I’m cummin….” I screamed

“Yes…. Baby cum for me…” he said

Both of us cum together…

We fell flat on the bed, to catch our breath.

Believe me when I say this is the best feeling I have ever felt and I wish I will do this again and again.

After few minutes of rest

We continue from where we stop, I lost count of how many times we did it, till we finally got exhausted and fell asleep.



i slowly opened my eyes, feeling a striking headache, i slowly turned my head and was shocked by the sight of the figure on my bed


What is this slut doing on my bed?!

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