
Prey Of Twin Stepbrothers
Prey Of Twin Stepbrothers
Author: Rain

Chapter 1 : My bully Stepbrothers!

Lilyanne's pov ; 

The first day of school had always scared me. And today is my first day at Silver Moon Academy. After picking up my schedule from the principal's office, I slipped out as quietly as I could, trying to make myself invisible in the hallways. 

This high school is a famous elite school for the werewolf community, and the idea alone of being out here terrifies me.

If it weren't for Mom's current partner, Alpha Lucus, I wouldn't even be here. He is well-respected and his influence got me into this school. 

Still, no amount of influence could change the fact that I'm different. Very different. Unlike everyone else here, I don't have a wolf. 

Clutching my schedule tightly, I weaved through the crowded hallways while my heart pounded rapidly in my chest. The walls are lined with impressive banners and trophies, showing the school's legacy. I looked around but quickly lowered my face when I heard whispers. 

I pull my hoodie tighter around my face in hopes that it will shield me from the curious glances I received. I just want to get through the day without drawing attention to myself. 

"Hey, watch it!" a voice snaps as I accidentally bump into someone. My eyes darted up to see a tall girl with piercing blue eyes glaring at me. Her aura screams power, and I shrink back instinctively.

"S-sorry," I pathetically apologised, stepping aside quickly. She rolls her eyes and walks past me, her friends snickering behind her. 

Great! This is what I needed on my first day. When will I stop being so clumsy and embarrassing myself? 

"Great start, Lily," I think to myself, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. I quickly scan my schedule, the first period is English in Room 203. 

When I finally slipped into the classroom, the teacher was already mid-lecture. He pauses as I enter, and I feel every eye in the room turn toward me. And the idea of being disappeared never felt so tempting. 

"And you are?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Lily…Lilyanne Evans," I gulped but somehow said it. "I'm new here."

"Ah, yes, our new transfer student. Welcome, Lilyanne. Please, take a seat," he says, gesturing to an empty chair near the back. I hurry to the seat, keeping my head down. As he resumed his lesson, I let out a small sigh of relief when I finally sat down. 

I try to focus on the lesson, but my mind keeps wandering. I can't stop thinking about how out of place I feel here. The elite students around me all exude confidence and power, traits I desperately lack. I know that the poor and weak become the targets of bullying here, and without a wolf, I am the weakest of them all.

Next class was arts, since I didn't know anyone. I sat alone. 

"Mind if I sit here?" I flinched as a pair of shoes appeared in my sight. I look up to see a girl with curly brown hair and honey-brown eyes standing in front of me.

"Uh…sure," I replied with a small smile, unsure why she'd even want to sit with me when there were plenty of empty seats. 

"I'm Sam," She introduces, sitting down across from me. "You're new, right? Lilyanne, was it?"

"Yeah," I nodded, feeling a bit of the tension ease out of my shoulders. "How did you know?"

"News travels fast here," she grinned. "Plus, it's not every day we get a new student. Especially those who don't look elite at all.” 

I flinch at her words, and she notices. "Hey, don't worry," she added quickly. "Not everyone here is as stuck-up as they seem. You just have to find the right people."

"Thanks," I mumbled quietly. Suddenly, the bell rang and she turned to me. 

“Let's get the books for the next lecture,” I nodded and stood up with her. 

As we approached my locker, I noticed my name on my locker. I opened and took out the first book. 

“Do you have a spare pen?” Sam asked and I nodded. 

“Yeah, please wait–” 

“Omg! The twin brothers are here!” 

“Hunter is so hot!” 

“I wish it was me in place of Vanessa beside Ryder!” 

A sudden commotion erupted in the hallways. I stopped taking out my stuff and turned around to see the infamous twins. 

Soon my ears felt like bleeding by how the girls were going crazy over them. However, their presence was unavoidable. 

Their magnetic features drew the attention of the crowd as they walked through the halls. I couldn't help but steal a few glances because it was almost impossible to ignore such different presences. 

Hunter, the eldest of them, led the groups. His cold yet fascinating demeanour oozes the aura of a powerful Alpha. His beautiful blue eyes and sharp jawline made him irresistibly attractive.

Next one is Ryder who looked every bit an athlete. He was the only one who was responding to the girls’ screams, waving to them with a flirty smile. His muscular build made him look like a sportsman. 

But Hunter was the one who noticed me first. His dark hair and striking features were just as handsome as his brother, but it was his eyes that caught my attention. They were really beautiful, our eyes met for a moment but he quickly looked away, though I noticed that his ears turned red. 

Which I find really strange. The two may look similar but they all have different personalities. 

Beside them was a hazel-eyed girl wearing a tight cheerleading uniform. 

But I quickly lowered my head, avoiding eye contact with the twins who are unfortunately my stepbrothers. The warning they gave me before entering this school echoed in my head. 

"Do not tell anyone about our relationship." 

After my mother left my abusive father and married Alpha Lucus, we started living in his house. But the step-brothers are anything but nice. They remind me of devils. 

“Ah!” I winced as the locker closed while my hand was still inside. I quickly opened it again, pulled my throbbing hand and looked at the person who deliberately caused it. Ryder. 

"Oops," he feigned a gasp. “Didn't see you there.” 

My eyes become teary from the pain. "What do you want?"

His smirk widened and I cringed, freaking bastard. “Hmm..what do I want? Let's see. I'm just curious how someone like you managed to get into a school like this. Must be some special bed skills you or your mom have."

I sucked in a deep breath, I wanted to stay silent but I couldn't. "Leave my mother out of this," I hissed.

"Touchy subject? Oh, no," he teased with a click of his tongue. "Maybe you should enlighten us then."

I glared at him, my heart aching at the thought of anyone insulting my mother. "I don’t owe you an explanation."

Insulting me is one thing but now he's taking it way too far. I glared at him, my fists clenching at my sides. 

He raised an amusing brow. “What, want to punch me?” He chuckled and leaned closer. "You’ve got some fire in you. Want to try that on me?"

Just as I struggled to keep my calm, my eyes met with Hunter. He wasn't laughing like everyone else, he shook his head and looked away. 

I struggled inside. I couldn't drop out, not after all my mother had sacrificed for me.

Suddenly, the bell rang and I thanked the moon goddess. 

“Guys, let's head to class,” Hunter announced and all of his friends and Ryder turned to him. I internally thanked him as well. I feel like he always helps me whenever Ryder bullies me. 

I hurriedly pushed past Ryder and ran to my next class. 

“See you around,” Ryder yelled after me. 

I have to endure. I'll be free after high school. Just one more year.

But my motivation and relief didn't last long. My clothes were soaked with dirty water as soon as I entered the class. 

The sound of laughter echoed all around me. Looking up, I saw the same cheerleader I saw earlier with my stepbrothers laughing the most at me. 

“Aww, did you have a little accident?” She sneered with malice as she stepped forward. She pinched her nose in disgust. “Eww, you stink.” 

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