
Chapter 4: Feeling The Pull

Hunter’s pov ; 

I returned to our room, closing the door behind me with a quiet sigh. Ryder was already rummaging through his closet, pulling out clothes for the party tonight. 

Sam’s parents have invited us since they are friends with dad.  

Before getting ready myself, I turned to my twin. “Ryder?” 

He glared at me even though I'm the oldest. He's a vibrant adventurer who loves outdoor sports and exploration, he's the captain of the ice hockey team at the academy. 

He likes challenging things which are in our Alpha blood. He may appear sincere and enthusiastic towards people, but in reality, he is very indifferent. 

He has many female companions, but none of them are his girlfriends. But I can't blame him. He's influenced by my father’s bad choices. 

Now, he believes that mates and intimate relationships are just an illusion, just like how dad easily abandoned our mother. 

Ryder no longer expects a partner relationship because we both are above 20 and still haven't found a mate. 

He just goes after fun now, which includes bullying Lily. 

"We shouldn't treat her like that."

"Have you forgotten how our mother left the pack in grief? And now she's unwilling to contact us. It's all that pair of mother and daughter’s fault,” He reminded furiously. 

I took a deep breath, trying to keep my frustration in check. He has a talent to make you angry within a second. 

"Ryder, that's not fair. Lily didn't choose this. She's just as much a victim in this mess as we are."

His eyes narrowed at me suspiciously. "Are you defending her because you've fallen in love with her?"

I frowned. What does he even think all day? 

“What? No! I just think we should be better than this. Treating her badly won't bring our mother back or fix what happened."

"Stop arguing with me dude," he snapped, going back to choose his clothes."If we keep this shit up, Dad will see through our pretence."

I sighed. I knew he was as hurt and angry as I was, but taking it out on Lily wasn't the answer.

“Still, I think it's not her fault-” 

He slammed the closest in anger. "Don't be deceived by their beautiful appearance, Hunter. It was their appearance that broke up our family.” 

I blinked at him in shock, this was the first time I saw him this angry and frustrated. 

“You know what? I'm going to look for Vanessa. You sit here and waste your time defending her.” 

Before he could leave I grabbed his arm. Looking directly in his eyes, I warned him. “You better not sleep with Vanessa.” 

He just smirked foolishly. “You think I have stooped that low.” 

“I saw you making out with her in the library,” I gave him a reality check and he groaned. 

“Whatever, I know what I'm doing. And you know what if you keep taking that imposter’s side, I might sleep with Vanessa,” Yanking his hand from my grip, he left. 

I stood there, feeling the sting of our first real argument as brothers and why? Because of that girl, Lily. 

Although I knew the importance of mate bond, it's easier to put the blame on her. Witnessing our dad’s indifference towards our mother who was his chosen mate and not his fated mate only strengthened my determination to dislike Lily. 

So, even though I know it's not Lily’s fault, my love for my mother clouded my judgement. 

I never bullied Lily directly but I also never saved her either. I simply chose to ignore her. 

Even if I ever really like Lily, I would stay away from her. 

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. I opened it to find dad, standing there with a smile. 

“Yes,” I nodded politely. 

"Hunter, Lily still can't drive," he said. "You and Ryder need to take her to the party.” 

I hesitated for a moment but he continued. “And make sure she doesn't drink or get teased by the other teenagers."

I nodded, helplessly, unable to refuse an Alpha’s order. "Got it, Dad. We'll take care of her."

Once he left, I dressed myself for the evening. 

I knocked on Lily's door, trying to keep my thoughts clear. When she opened it, my breath caught in my throat. 

She looked absolutely gorgeous in that I suddenly felt desires erupting inside of me. An expected possessiveness filled my chest towards her making me uncomfortable. 

I suddenly don't want others to see her like this. 

“Yes?” Her soft voice made me grip the door handle even tighter. 

I cleared my throat before speaking, putting on a disgusted look since I don't want her to know my inner thoughts. 

"You look like an exposed prostitute," I sneered, the words harsher than I intended. 


Lilyanne’s pov ; 

"You look like an exposed prostitute," he sneered, and my cheeks burned at the insult. 

Why did he have to be so cruel?

"If you don't want to take me, I'll explain to Alpha Lucas," I shot back. 

Before he could respond, his phone rang. He answered it, then turned to me. "Let's go. We don't have time to argue."

As we walked to the car. He started the engine, and we drove in silence. I felt uneasy the entire ride until he decided to speak. 

"Listen," Hunter let out, staring at the front. "There are some things you need to be careful about at the party. Don’t drink anything that isn't given to you by someone you trust. Parties like these can get out of hand, and some people might try to take advantage. Be cautious around strangers."

I glanced at him but his face was calm. It was a bit surprising seeing him telling me to be cautious. If it was Ryder, he would have done all the things to me that Hunter warned me of. 

Which is why I'm scared since Ryder would also be there. 

"Thanks for the warning," I muttered slowly. 

When we were about to reach Sam's mansion, I suggested, "Maybe I should get off a bit early, so people don't see us arriving together and question why I came with you.” 

His face turned to me suddenly, and this was the first time I saw his facial features so closely but he quickly looked away. 

And I felt slightly…disappointed. 

"Sure. I can drop you off at the corner."

I got out of the car and walked the rest of the way, feeling a bit more at ease now that I wasn't with him. 

Inside, the party was already in full swing. As soon as I entered, Sam hugged me tightly.

"I'm so glad you're here, Lily!” 

“Me too. Happy birthday.” 

“Thank you!” She yelled excitedly but then she cringed looking behind me. I turned around to find Hunter entering, and almost immediately all the girls glued to him. 

“I didn't want to invite the twins and Vanessa, but my parents insisted. I have to make it look like we're all friends," she scowled. 

“It's fine,” I comforted her and she looked at me with guilt. 

"Tonight's a big night for me. I'm supposed to meet my mate. I need to walk around and mingle. Sorry to leave you alone."

"It's okay. I just needed to get away from my mother's questions. I'll find a quiet spot," I replied with a weak smile.

Sam squeezed my hand before disappearing into the crowd. I scanned the room, looking for a secluded corner where I could escape the chaos. 

As I made my way through the crowd, my eyes landed on Ryder and Vanessa. They were kissing passionately, and I froze on the spot. 

A sharp pain shot through my heart and my stomach twisted. 

I didn't understand why it hurt so much seeing them together, but I quickly got away.

I hurried outside to the pool area to get some air. But as I reached there, someone grabbed me and pulled me into the water. 

I panicked as I fought against that strong hand but I was clearly struggling. 

When the water got cleared from my eyes I was beyond shocked to find Ryder. His eyes were blazing with bitterness and…something I felt scared to even think about. 

I felt his erection pressing against my hips, making my heart race even more.

"What the hell are you doing?" I gasped and tried to push him away.

But he tightened his grip around me. "You're driving me crazy," he growled with hostility while his eyes burned with lust. 

"I don't know what it is about you, but I can't stay away. And I hate you for that,” He finished, fuming. 

"Ryder, let me go," I pleaded because I don't know why I too began to feel an unexplainable pull towards him. 

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