

Early in the morning

As per the schedule given,  all the students gathered in the play ground in their sports outfits for some warming up activities to start a healthy day.  Some students decided to go to Gym ๐Ÿ’ช where as a group of students were interested in doing exercises in the open while a few were doing yoga and meditation.

Tiya and Sam happily merged with the other students and went on with the flow. Firstly they joined the yoga session and after that they went to the gym. After half an hour of exercise, every one felt energetic and they all become excited to know what other things are going to come.

A proper induction and orientation programme was scheduled for the first day so that new comers became familiar with the stuff of high school A.

As per the schedule given there was a small seminar for the students through which they became familiar with the authorities and their mentors, next is an interactive session between juniors and seniors followed by a tour of the whole campus and at the end there was a ballroom party ๐ŸŽŠ .

The day was good and everything went on smoothly, during the interaction between junior and senior, Sam was hoping to see his cousin but he didn't turn up.

"Did you found him? " asked Tiya

"Nope....  I guess he must have changed his identity as well so it's not going to be that easy to find him.  We have to use our secret methods to know him before he will reach us. " suggested by Sam

They both were busy in their gossips and didn't realize that a pair of eyes were continuously staring at them.

During the interaction session all the guys grabbed the opportunity to invite girls to be their partners in the ballroom.

Sam excused himself to go to the washroom, just as he went out a smart looking boy named Justin approached Tiya and asked her to be his partner in the ballroom.

Firstly Tiya was shocked to hear such a proposal but then she realized that actually she is not having any partner for the evening event and the one who is asking seems quiet interesting so she didn't think further and accept it.

When Sam came back, from the corner of his eyes he saw Tiya was happily talking with a senior but from the looks of that senior he can easily guess what was going on his mind.

Sam was fuming with anger when he got to know that Tiya has accepted Justin's proposal for the ballroom event but he didn't say anything. Actually even he was not able to think of the reason why he is feeling so irritated.

In between his thoughts, a sweet voice came from behind "Thinking about something????? "

It was Michael, she started feeling something special for Sam when she first saw him at the balcony. Now she found him standing alone, how can she miss such an awesome chance to get close to him?

Very elegantly she moved and asked,"I wonder if you already got a dance partner for the night? "

"Not yet!!!!  Would you like to accompany me tonight???? " Sam asked with a faint smile on his face.

Michael's face lit up like a bulb ๐Ÿ’ก as she immediately accepted the proposal with a happy face.

Michael was a beauty in herself, she is having a dark complexion but her features are very fine with red rosy lips and pointed nose, with deep dark black eyes and long brown hairs  she gave a perfect look.

Sam didn't bother who is going to be his partner as long as it is anyone else Tiya.

Jazz also found a cute short heighted girl wearing specs like him and asked her for the night, he was lucky enough as Jammie accepted without any hick.

Ruby on the other hand decided not to join the ballroom event as she was not feeling well so she decided to rest in her room.

After a full tour of the whole campus, all of them happily said Byeeeee to each other and got some time to get some beauty sleep so that they can look fresh at the ballroom.

After a short nap session, all the girls started dressing up. There were beauty products lying on the whole dressing table,  even the study table was full of hair dryer, straightener and other such products.

Ruby forgot about her illness as she was helping others to do their make up and hair styles.

Everyone was in a rush when Tiya came from the washroom.  she was wearing a black coloured mini dress that was slightly above her knees showing her long legs and her v shaped neck line was perfectly showing her collar bone, giving her a perfectly sexy look. Her hairs were tied in a ponytail and she was not wearing any makeup on her face expect for her red lipstick.

Every one was stunned to see her like this, girls were finding it hard not to look at her. Who knows what will happen to boys???????

Every one was stunned to see her like this, girls were finding it hard not to look at her. Who knows what will happen to boys???????


At the venue

The whole venue was decorated on the theme of welcoming party. There was a long table at the centre of the hall which was filled with different kinds of food. There were a large variety of different dishes ๐Ÿง๐Ÿช๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ—๐Ÿค๐Ÿž๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿš๐Ÿฑwith best quality of non alcoholic beverages ๐Ÿน๐Ÿธโ˜•๐Ÿตserved on the table.

On one part of the hall, there was loud sound music system ๐ŸŽถ ๐Ÿ”Š๐ŸŽท๐ŸŽค๐ŸŽบ๐ŸŽธ๐ŸŽป with dazzling multi colored lights .

On the other part of the hall various games๐ŸŽฏ ๐ŸŽฎ๐ŸŽณwere organized by the event managers for the new students.

It was an epic sight to see and everyone was enjoying themselves when a group of girls, from girls hostel entered the hall. All the girls were looking stunning as they were in their best outfits.

Every one was amazed to see the feast of beauties in front of them,  but out of all the beauties,  there is certain someone who is looking hawtt enough to melt the ice inside everyone.

Tiya was looking incredibly hawtt, her dress was so sexy that it was highlighting every curve of her body perfectly. Everyone was surprised to see such a beauty. The moment Sam saw her,  his eyes were glued on her but he came back to his senses when he realized that Justin was approaching towards her.

She was Justin's partner for the night so everyone was feeling envious towards him and even Sam can't have a say at this because he was the only stupid one who didn't ask her for the night at the first place.

Sam then looked towards Michael and asked for her hand like a gentleman, then went towards the dance floor.

At the dance floor in between the shimmering lights and loud music,  everyone was enjoying themselves, music was tooo loud for everyone to hear anything. So everyone was just lost in the high beats of music.

Michael was trying her best to grab Sam's attention but Sam's full focus was on the couple who are at the games point.

Justin and Tiya were at the game point enjoying their games.  Firstly they tried their luck on dart board with a gun ๐Ÿ”ซ but out of ten rounds Tiya was not able to hit a single one, Justin was smiling from the back and then he hold Tiya's hand and told her, "Let me teach you Sweety."

Justin's one hand was on Tiya's hip and with the other one he was helping her to aim at the target. With the first hit they were able to score 8.5.

Justin grabbed the gift for 8.5 score and gave it to Tiya, "This is my first gift for you sweetie." He said it with a hidden meaning.

After that they went to Ring throw game, from there Justin was able to grab another gift for Tiya.

Just like that Tiya's hands were full of gifts. She was feeling happy and a big smile was easily visible on her beautiful face.

Little did she know that someone was drinking barrels of vinegar by seeing those gifts in her hands.

Sam was on the verge of explosion with anger, He grabbed Michael's hand and asked her, "Do you want some gifts?"

Michael who was thinking about ways to get Sam's attention felt startled to hear such a request, "Off course I would love to have a few of them."

Sam grabbed Michael's hand and went to dart board section, with first hit he was able to hit the bull's eye and got 10 point,  without looking back he moved towards the ring throw section Michael collected the gift and followed him hurriedly, in the ring throw section he got the biggest gift amongst all like that he almost swept all the beautiful gifts from all the games.

Earlier all the girls were praising Tiya for having such a good company for the night but the moment they saw Michael's cart,  everyone was stunned and congratulated her for getting best gifts of the night.

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