
Welcome to college

"oh it's nothing,..... when I woke up in the morning, I suddenly found that I am no longer a prince. " Sam explained laughingly. 😆😆😆

Tiya almost passed out hearing this shocking news.  she asked with an exaggerated expression," What the hell is going at your end?  Can you please explain to me? "

"Actually it's a part of one of those conditions that I need to qualify for being a suitable candidate for the post of emperor" Sam explained.

"what conditions???  I guess you are the only heir of the royal family. So logically you should be the next emperor. Isn't that so??? "

"Ah it's actually not that simple. Firstly I have to prove my capabilities for being a good ruler.  Then there will be a series of competitions between me and my cousin,  The one who won will be considered worthy of being an emperor."

"who is that cousin of yours?  Why I have never heard anything about him? "

"Frankly speaking even I have never seen him before as he lives in another city with my second aunt but I have heard that he is indeed very capable. Whoever he is, we are going to meet him tomorrow.  He is supposed to be our senior."

"Wooohh hoo.....  means we have not even entered the school and  there is already someone we need to deal with??? And most importantly now you have left your royal status and you are going to be a commoner like us? " Tiya found something interesting now.

They were talking and laughing happily in the plane ✈.  Little did they know that this journey is going to bring a lot of changes in their lives.

Tiya and Sam happily left the airport and decided to hire a taxi to go to the high school A.

It took them at most one hour in the car from airport to reach at the entrance of high school A. After getting out of the taxi 🚕 both of them were awestruck by what they saw.

The building in front of them was not looking like any school building 🏫. It was actually a group of large buildings 🏢. The whole school was scattered in a vast land of about one hundred acres. There were different departments and each department has their separate buildings. The pathway from entrance to the main building was a lush green garden with a series of water fountains in a straight row. As it was the evening time,  the lights on the fountains were  giving a dazzling look to the whole atmosphere. It was a wonderful sight to see.

Tiya and Sam decided to firstly report to the authorities about their arrival. So they walked towards the reception area.

In the reception, a middle aged woman with big spectacle on her eyes looked towards both of them and without saying anything she just passed keys 🔑 and a rule book to each one of them.

Pointing at Tiya, she said, " You go to right side, girls hostel is there and young boy you go towards left. "

They both smiled and hugged each other and then moved towards the pointed directions. The good part was that both of them got rooms having balconies that are facing towards each other- to sum up we can say they can easily see each other and if they want to share something they can do that also.

Carrying her bag pack Tiya slowly made her way towards her roomp. On the way she suddenly bumped into a group of seniors who were actually waiting for a prey to entertain them.

The moment they saw a cute looking adorable beauty comming towards them, they made a plan to bully her.

One of the senior came forward and told her that as a rule of this hostel if she wants to go to her room then she has to perform a dance and only if they find it interesting then she will be allowed to go.

Tiya didn't disappoint them,  she quickly put her bag down. One of the senior played music on their tablet and with the beats, Tiya started her dance. She was wearing high heels so her every move was looking very very attractive. She was looking like a deity descended from heaven.

The moment she stopped her dance,  everyone was looking at her surprisingly. One of the senior came forward and said, "You are beautifully talented. High school A surely knows how to grab talented people. I am sure we will have a great time with each other. Welcome to our team.

In the boys hostel

Things were not as smooth for Sam as in case of Tiya, his seniors asked him to do hundred push ups without wearing anything.  He was only wearing his boxers and was about to collapse when he finished the hundredth push up.

Sam was sweating profusely, after finishing his push ups, without betting an eye he ran as fast as he can towards his room.

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