
You call it madness, I call it love. (Part 1)

Hello everyone! Quick request from myself! If you come across a chapter that is confusing please leave a comment on that chapter with a little explanation on what is confusing. I appreciate the feedback you give me and really want to improve my writing so please be more open with me. 

I'm also very happy that you all seem to like the idea of free chapters in Victor's P.O.V so from here onwards every 5th chapter will be from his perspective (and free). 

This chapter takes place before and just after Luna Ashly's death. Okay! Now that's out of the way, let's dive in!

Victor's P.O.V

Finally. She was mine. I couldn't lie or hide just how happy I had been that night, seeing her all dolled up with a traditional flower crown. My mate, my Luna, she was spectacular. I could feel her nervousness and hesitation but knew in my heart she would not have agreed or been there if she did not feel the same as me. I knew, thanks to Anya's meddling, that Xander had well and truly mentally fucked her. And I wanted him dead for that. I wanted him dead for even daring to look upon her, to even think he could touch her or have her in any way. But I held back, knowing that she still for whatever reason cared for him. Even after the sick, disgusting mutt had tried to push himself on her she still worried for him. I swear I could read her thoughts in those big purple eyes. I couldn't bear to look at her, holding Xander in my grip. It would have been so easy at that moment to tear his head off from his body, to make sure he would never lay a finger on my Laura again. But I held back. I could tell she was unsure of me, that she still did not fully entrust me with her heart, I had to make sure I proved myself to her. 

I had thrown Xander at his father's feet, just out of sight of the gathering. Clide let out a frustrated growl glaring at me with hatred, he did not hide this side of him when we were alone. I had thought of this man as nothing but a coward, a useless wolf that did not deserve the title of Alpha. And once I had learnt his secrets, well he changed. No longer pretending to be the bumbling idiot he portrayed. I couldn't help but wonder if his Luna had known the extent of his corruption.  

"Victor." He snarled as Xander whimpered hiding behind his father. 

"Cilde." I returned his glare, allowing my Alpha status to show. 

The dumb man, he wasn't an Alpha. He did not come from a lie of Alphas. The only reason for his title was thanks to Luna Ashly. She was the power. 

"I have warned you many times Victor, I have told you not to harm my pack..."

I growled interrupting him "and I told you that if anyone dared to touch my mate I would have their head." 

Clide's eyes narrowed as he glared at his sorry excuse for a son. 

"Xander, is this true?" He nodded at his father as Clide snarled again. 

"That skank. This is the last time I will allow her to seduce my son. She is as disgusting as her mother." 

I felt my hands clench in rage as my body begged to be allowed to shift at his words. He beamed at me before smirking. 

"Now now, don't do something you will regret Victor. I am by the laws of our elders her father. She has rejected your claim of being your mate, only I have the power to allow your union." 

I held back the intense urge to kill him, not yet. My Luna had to be named officially first, then I could protect her by killing this sick f**k. 

"Xander, run along." He said without taking his eyes off of mine. 

Xander gave me a second worried, terrified glance before running off to the party. 

"Victor. I hope you know just what... what sort of demented life you are going to lead now."

"Demented?" I asked back through gritted teeth. 

He laughed before nodding towards the cabin my Luna was. 

"She will be the death of everything you love, everything you hold dear. All your dreams will burn in front of you." 

His eyes were burning with pure rage and hatred. 

"How? How could you despise her so much?" 

He scoffed as if it was obvious. 

"She is the reason my pack is in ruins, the reason my Luna is dying, the reason we are still being attacked and the reason my son can't seem to accept his own mate. She destroyed everything she touches, she is truly wicked." 

 "Alpha Clide. It's time." Sam, the disgusting up herself girl that claimed to be Xander's mate approached us. 

I felt satisfied at her fearful glance at me as Clide's face returned to its fake joyish persona. 

"Ah Alpha Victor! It is time!" He slapped my arm playfully as if we were friends and I held back the anger. 

I followed them back to the clearing, taking my place at my table with Anya and her mate Bella. I found myself smiling internally at how adorable they were. My heart was so happy to see Anya with someone as beautiful, kind and sweet as Bella. Mother would have been proud. 

But my heartbeat just a little faster when she caught my eye, my Luna. Laura. I was almost giddy knowing soon, so soon she would be mine for the rest of time. I couldn't bear it when Domini gave her complaints, seeing her smile at him with adoration. That should have been just for me. Anya gave me a warning look, I knew again thanks to her that there was nothing more than a brother-sister relationship between the two. But it still stung. 

After everything was said and done, after officially she had been declared mine. Goddess, I thought I was going to burst with joy. And yet, she still seemed to push me away. She took every opportunity that night to dodge me. Even when she was literally tied to me she still looked away from me, frantic, almost fearful of me. I hated myself at that moment. To have the love of my life seem to fear me. I made sure not to touch her too much as I walked back to the room that Clide had given me. As much as I wanted to, as much as my heart begged to feel her flesh I resited. 

That look of fear she gave me when we got inside, when she sat on the bed we were to share. I swear I died inside. I knew that Xander had f***ed her mentally but how could she assume I would be such a monster to take her without her consent? I rolled over quickly, feeling for the first time in many years tears well in my eyes not wanting her to see how weak she made me. I wished her goodnight, expecting her to leave me. So when she got up my heart sank, I frantically got up ready to chase her only to see her opening my cupboard. 

Okay! So I did not think this would be as long as it ended up being, so I'm breaking this into 2 parts. Not to worry, the second part coming in the next few hours! 

Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Cherry B. Salcedo
i like that victor are waiting for her consent and he loves her...
goodnovel comment avatar
Mrs Magnolia
I absolutely the other characters POVs!! I love everything about this book and your writing!
goodnovel comment avatar
I like Victor. But I am really confused based on some info in the chapters. He keeps saying she is his real mate. But then it implies from what Bella says she isn’t his mate. That he is basically using her??

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