
A New Revelation and A Promise

"I thought I told you not to get all mushy on me?" I frowned as she pulled away.

"I told you I can't help it," she giggled.

"You're such a cry baby, I teased, your mate would have a lot of work taking care of you," I teased her and she grinned.

"You know, I feel really sorry for those that would never get the chance to be with their mates but with someone else dey just got mated to without having an ounce of love for them," she chimed and I felt a knife being driven through my chest. It felt so painful knowing that I fall under those category of people.

"I think they are the unluckiest….." she froze and slowly faced me, looking pale.

"Imelda," she muttered and I forced a smile on my face, waving it off.

"It's ok Becca, you're right, they are actually the unluckiest set of people doomed to spend their lives with someone they don't love and clearly doesn't love them either."

"I'm sorry Becca, I didn't mean to hurt you with my words, I slipped off in my words and said things I shouldn't
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