
Keep Your Advice!

Killian's POV

The second I pushed the door open, I was met with nothing but silence, as if I wasn't wanted in their presence.

Without hesitation, I walked over to the empty seat I found in the hall and sat down, feeling uneasy because of the stares from the other Alphas. I felt like leaving at that moment.

‘Why wouldn't they continue their discussion? Why would they just go silent because I entered the hall?’

‘Were they scared of me now?’ I thought inwardly as I looked around, trying to understand their way of processing things.

I was about to stand up and leave. It was better to speak to Stella at this moment than sit in the midst of Alphas who didn't want me.

But just as I attempted to do so, a voice boomed in the quietness, drawing my attention immediately.

“Welcome back, Alpha Killian…”

Turning to see who had spoken, I saw Alpha King smiling at me. At least someone was bold enough to speak to me and didn't see me as a disease.

“Thank you, Alpha King!” I smiled back at him, still
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