

As Mork walked away from their camp, Xavier knew immediately that things were about to go South for all of them. He had no idea who Mork was referring to when he talked about Steve but he knew that it was not a good thing. Mork had an evil plan and that included him betraying his own princess, Rhea Damon. Xavier was torn between risking his life and the lives of his soldiers to help Layla and Rhea or staying behind and risking losing both of them. Not like he cared very much about Rhea. It was Layla he was concerned about and even though she had told him not to bother himself should anything happen to her, he couldn’t stand the thought of it, or the sight. He had failed her the first time Ghost came. He couldn’t afford to fail her again. Xavier however decided that he was not going to force any of his warriors to ride beside him to the battle. He was not going to force them to fight his battles for him. He was going to do what was right and he was going to do it all by himself. He pre
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