

Amoux’s POV

I was woken by the rays of the sun as it glitters directly into my eyes.

I turned around and buried my nose in the soft pillow I was resting my head on when I recollect that we are leaving for Deep Water today.


I grumbled as I shredded the blanket and stood up to go to the bathroom.

When I got inside the bathroom, I didn't know how my thoughts drifted to the sexual experience I had last night.

Surprisingly, I was able to find a girl with brown eyes and brown hair like Carla but I wasn't able to see someone I wanted as much as her.

So, I got distracted and after a while, I came back to the house disappointed because they couldn't get my dick excited.

It was flaccid no matter how many brown eyes and hair girls I found. I gradually lost interest and came back without extinguishing the stifling desire in me.

Maybe it's because I'm still around her.

When I get back to Deep Water and Carla is not there, I would definitely be able to raise the wild wolf again.

After washing up, I dressed and left the room.

When I got downstairs, I was shocked to see that I was the only one awake because since I got here I've always been the last person to wake up.

Until I saw Carla coming out of her room with her silky smooth pink colored nightgown.

I looked up at her and saw that she wasn't even fully up yet.

I was about to call out to her when she tripped and slumped, I immediately sped to catch her up before her body hit the bare floor.

The fall jolted her eyes open as she looked up at me in shock, clearly frightened.

I quickly helped her to her legs, but I couldn't bring myself to remove my hand that was on her slim waist.

It was so soft and I could feel her delicate skin below the silk pink nightgown as I tried as much as possible to hide the hunger in my eyes.

Her perky nipples were displayed boldly in front of me in her nightgown because I could see the outline.

“Uhm, thanks.” Carla said to me and quickly detangled herself from me.

My heart immediately felt depressed at the sudden loss of contact and I immediately frowned.

“Yeah, it's okay,” I replied after gathering my composure.

After today all of this will end.

After I leave, I will pay the out of sight, out of mind method. So, I definitely have to hold it in!

“What did you come outside for?” I asked awkwardly when I noticed the tense atmosphere between us.

“I came to drink water, I was feeling thirsty,” Carla replied and walked slowly to the kitchen.

I quietly walked after her and watched as she drank a cup of water and how a drop of it escaped down the corner of her lips.

I immediately swallowed greedily.

“What is this she-wolf doing to me?”

I looked down and saw that something was already getting excited again.

I couldn't help but be amazed at how a single gesture from her was able to make me aroused.

I quickly moved closer to the chair and sat down in hopes of disguising my erect dick.

“Why are you up so early?” Carla asked as she moved from the kitchen to where I was sitting.

The drop of water that escaped her mouth earlier was still visible. I didn't know if she knew it was there or if she didn't. It aroused me so much that I couldn't even bring myself to point it out. I subconsciously imagined that it was my nuts that were around her mouth.

I knew the stupid thought would only make me harder but I couldn't stop my dirty mind from thinking about fucking Carla right here and now in the sitting room.


I should have just fucked one of those girls last night. At least, I wouldn't be as horny as I was at the moment.

“I think it's the anticipation of going back home,” I answered after trying to sound as normal as possible.

I don't want her to think that I'm always aroused while talking to her.

Even though that was true, I couldn't let her know.

“Oh,” Carla mumbled and nodded her head in understanding.

I couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Why isn't she a bit sad that I would be leaving?

Thinking about it, I've spent more of my time here with her than anyone else. Since she wouldn't be coming with Eira, shouldn't she feel a bit sad about my departure?

I raised my eyebrows and peered at her again but she was neutral.

I couldn't tell anything from her blank face.

Did she ever reveal any expression of her inner thought?

Ever since I got here, I've never been able to tell what she was thinking by looking at her face. Trust me, I do that the best.

A few minutes later, Eira and their parent Ralph’s family came to the sitting room one by one.

I was surprised at how everyone came out searching for water because they all immediately went to the kitchen until they noticed that I was in the sitting room.

“You also come out to drink water?” I asked Mr. Ralph, who was the last person to come out.

“Yes, Grand Beta,” He nodded and walked towards the kitchen.

Is this like a ritual in their house or something?

I thought as I watched Mr. Ralph down a glass of water.

And why is he still calling me Grand Beta?

I thought I told them that they can just call me Amoux.

It was around 9 am when they all finally came out of their room again but this time they were fully clothed.

Even Carla, she was now putting on a yellow gown embroidered with flowers at the edge.

“So, are we eating breakfast before we leave?” I asked Eira when I noticed that they hadn't started preparing the food, and it was already getting late.

“Sure, I can't gallop in the forest without putting some food in my stomach,” Eira replied before leaving for the kitchen.

After Eira’s statement, I looked outside at the sky and calculated the time.

If we leave after eating breakfast, we won't make it to Deep Water today.

I looked back at the kitchen and saw that Mrs. Ralph too had already joined her.

The words I wanted to say immediately died in my mouth.

Since they have already started cooking, we might as well eat breakfast before leaving.

“I heard that the Alpha King's mate died.” Mr. Ralph asked suddenly.

Shocked, I glanced at Carla to see if she was the one who told their father or Eira, but as usual, I wasn't able to read anything from her blank expression.

“Yes, she's dead. She was attacked by rogues, ” I answered without explaining further.

Mr. Ralph nodded his head and stopped talking as if he understood that I didn't want to talk about it.

The atmosphere was silent and tense until Eira and Mrs. Ralph finished cooking and served the food.

The breakfast was also the fox meat I hunted the other day and some smashed potatoes.

After we've all eaten and Eira was about to stand up I heard Carla say suddenly.

“I have something to announce,”

Eira and I looked at her instantly to listen to what she had to say.

I saw that Mr & Mrs. Ralph wasn't as surprised as we were because they weren't too eager to listen to her but I didn't think much about it.

“What do you want to say Carla?” Eira asked in her tiny voice.

“I’m going to the Deep Water, “



Eira and I responded at the same time in shock.

Did I just hear Carla say that she's going to my Pack?

“What did you mean by that?” Eira asked Carla with a frown.

“Exactly what I said. It's fine if you don't want me to come with you but I'm going one the way or the other, ”

I heard Carla say again stubbornly.

Why is she so determined to go to Deep Water though?

She didn't know anyone there.

“Why did you want to go to the Deepwater pack? You don't even know anyone there, ” Eira asked as if reading my mind.

“Why I'm going is not your problem. I want you to know that I've decided to go with or without you taking me along, ”

I sighed heavily as I heard her determined words.

Well, I guess she can be stubborn at times too.

“Snow, sweetie, just take her with you. You guys can come back together after treating the Alpha King. Carla just wants to have some exposure, okay.” Mr. Ralph said after a few minutes.

“But Papa, I'm not going there to play or have exposure!” Eira countered

“Let her tag along. You know how stubborn she could be. If you don't take her with you, she will still go. You wouldn't want her to be attacked by rogues, right?” Mr. Ralph answered back slowly.

“Yes Papa, but it's not up to me to bring her along or not. It's up to Amoux, ” Eira replied with a deep sigh.

Immediately all eyes were peering at him, especially Carla’s.

Wait, did Eira think I will object?

Because I couldn't be happier!

Carla's decision to go to Deep Water had to be the Moon goddess listening to my silent wish while I was masturbating.

It was really a wish come through, I chuckled slightly to myself.

“Sure, sure, of course, ” I replied when I saw that they were still looking at me, expecting a reply.

“Since Grand Beta said she can come along, you don't have any objection again right?” Mr. Ralph asked Eira who was still gloomy.

“I don't, I just hope she didn't bring me any troubles, ” Eira replied to her father.

“I’m not a child, I can take care of myself. I don't need your guidance or protection, ” Carla countered almost immediately.

“Did you see what I'm saying?” Eira pointed out angrily to her father.

“I will look after her, ” I volunteered when I saw where the conversation was leading to.

Since Carla has decided to come to Deep Water, I have to make ultimate use of the opportunity.

“—I’m not a child, ”

I heard Carla's voice disagreed with my words too.

What's this silly girl thinking?

Am I not fulfilling my wish? Oh, sorry.. her wish.

Anyhow, I'm actually helping her.

Sexual attraction aside, It would really be good if she leaves with us.

Maybe we can build a thing and she wouldn't have to come back.

“Thank you Grand Beta, I really appreciate your offer, ” Mrs. Ralph said warmly.

“Please take care of my two daughters and make sure that they come back home safely, ” Mrs. Ralph said as she sniffed.

Dear God, don't allow her to start crying.

I can't cope with that right now.

Women crying in every situation is really something I don't like seeing because of the awkwardness.

As if reading my mind, Mr. Ralph brought his wife closer to him and comforted her.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I'm sure our two daughters will be safe and they will come back safely” Mr. Ralph soothed as Carla and Eira went closer to their mother and hugged her.

That was when I noticed that Carla looked more like their mother, while Eira had their father's eyes and hair.

Their family was really a beautiful and wonderful one.

“You guys should go and pack, we can't keep the Grand Beta waiting any longer. It's a long journey from here to Deep Water, ” Mrs. Ralph said after gathering her composure.

Thank Goddess, no tears were involved, or else I would have totally been helpless in that situation.

“Okay, Ma.”

I heard the two girls say and walked toward their different rooms,

Carla is really coming with us!

I was so happy at the thought that I didn't hear the voice that spoke to me.

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