



I realised that River was in love with me. And even though I didn't love him back, I decided to use his love to my own advantage. I called River that morning to inform him that I wanted to see him. I lay in bed thinking about the possibilities of getting my revenge as soon as possible when I heard a soft knock on the door. I knew at once that it was River. He was the only one I was expecting. I stood up from my bed and walked towards the door. I grabbed the key, turned it in the hole, and pulled the handle backwards."Good morning, Annalise," he greeted me. "Elara," I corrected him. "Good morning, Elara," he took correction. I opened the door widely and let him come in. "I can see you have changed a lot in your room," he said as he sat on the couch. "That shows that we both have different tastes," I responded. I sat down on the bed facing him. We stared at each other awkwardly for some time without saying a word to each other. I cleared my throat and began."I could be your fake mate," I started. "That is, if you will agree to announce me as the Luna of Red Breeder pack."River sighed. He placed his jaw in his bands and narrowed his eyes as though he was thinking about it. "There's nothing to think about River. It's a good deal," I told him.He raised his head to look at me, and then he sighed deeply. I wondered what was going through his mind. In a things, I prayed that he agreed to the contract. "Fine," he said. "I agree to the contract. It's actually a good one."My heart leapt out of excitement. I didn't know it would be so easy to convince him to get this done. "So?" I asked him."So, we should get to work immediately, " he responded. He pulled his phone out from his pocket, and I watched him keenly. He dialled a number that I didn't see on his phone. When the person picked up, he cleared his throat and began to speak. "Are you busy today?" He asked. He waited for a while. His eyes were fixed on me. Mine were fixed on his phone. "Okay, please, I need you to prepare a contract and come over with it to the house. I will text you the details."With that, he hung up."That must be your lawyer, " I told him. He simply nodded. "Do we have any witnesses?" I asked.River shook his head. I nodded. I was okay with that. "That would do," I said. River stood up to his feet and adjusted his dress. "I will be in my study," he informed her. "Get dressed. My lawyer would be here soon. So, you will join us at the study when I call you."I nodded, and he walked away. I lay back in bed. Waiting patiently for the lawyer's arrival. I soon got up from my bed and walked into the bathroom. After having a shower. I dressed in something nice and walked back to my bed. I picked up my phone. The screen was on. I saw three missed calls from River. There was a message, too. I quickly unlocked the phone. The lawyer was here. I hurried out of the room and walked straight to the study. When I got there, I knocked twice on the door and opened it. I walked into the room and met River, and the lawyer was already seated. I found somewhere to sit, and the meeting started immediately. The lawyer presented a few documents, which I made sure I read them thoroughly before signing. River also went through the documents briefly before signing. It didn't take him so long, and I wondered if he trusted his lawyer so much to sign the documents without reading them properly. Well, it wasn't my business. The only thing I was concerned about was the deal. It had been sealed for one year. I thought that the whole year would be enough for me to plot and carry out my revenge. We thanked the lawyer, and he left the room. I wanted to ask River about my husband and his new wife. But I didn't know how to start. Just when I made up my mind, a knock was heard on the door. The door opened slightly, and a servant walked in. He bowed in front of River. River nodded, and the servant lifted himself. "The alpha is being called in," the servant said. "I will join you all shortly," he responded. The servant bowed again and left the study. I wanted to ask River what was going on, but he didn't wait for me to do so before he began to explain to me. "Today is the soldiers' dedication, " he began. "The day meant for the swearing in of new soldiers into the pack's army."I nodded as though I understood what was going on. River stood up to his feet and walked towards me. He placed his hand on my shoulder and moved my gaze to his hand. "I am inviting you to the party," he said. I wondered why he didn't tell me all along so I could get prepared. Why was he inviting me now? I was sure he expected that I would jump on the offer even though he hadn't told me on time. I was going to say no, but when I opened my mouth he interrupted me. "I would use this opportunity to announce you as their new Luna and my mate."I liked the idea. I wouldn't hesitate. I needed the power to be able to take revenge on those who had hurt me. I was glad that inhadnt rejected the offer yet. It wouldn't be bad to go, after all."How do I fix my hair and make-up?" I asked him."Then, that's a yes," he said with excitement in his voice. "I'll call in my makeup artist right away."It wasn't up to ten minutes, and my simple face makeup was done. My hair was also fixed, and I began to walk out of the study with River. We went to the hall together. I admired the huge hall. I saw many people seated around the hall. They were all dressed in fine attires, expensive clothings, and jewelries. They all looked extravagant, and I couldn't help but admire them. The hall was magnificent. It was filled with expensive scents and decorations. The floor was lined with expensive marbles. High and well decorated chandeliers hung from the ceiling.I admired the place and agreed within me that the hall was huge and even more expensively built than my former pack's. I noted that the Red Breed pack must be a very wealthy one. Their hall alone smelt rich. The dedication commenced. After the alpha and beta of the pack were done with the necessary rituals for the new soldiers to be sworn in. It was time for River's big announcement.Immediately, he climbed on the podium. A mic was handed over to him. I could hear my own heart racing in my chest. I stayed put where I sat. I knew what he was going to say already. I didn't know why I was nervous. This wasn't the first time I would be going through this process. Why was it different this time?River took the mic and cleared his throat before he started his speech. "Before I say anything," he began. "I would like to invite someone special to the stage. She should stand by me while I make this special announcement. "The people present at the occasion began to murmur in low tones. I held my chest in my hand. They looked around them, some even pointed fingers in different directions. River waited for the murmuring to die down before he continued talking. "Let's invite Elara Steel to join me on the stage!" He said.Everywhere went queit immediately I stood up. The silence only lasted for a while, and murmurs continued. One of the guards stood up and led me to the stage. When we got there. River stretched his hand towards me, and I took it.I used his hand as support to climb up the stage. As I stood beside River, my hands locked up with his. My heart raced in my chest. I couldn't wait to be announced that I was his Luna. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze, and looked into my eyes before he began his announcement. "You all, today is a very good day. Join me celebrate, as I announce to you. Elara Steel, my mate and your Luna. "Cheers and applause were heard all over the hall. My heart sank this time it was for joy. I let out a smile of satisfaction. This was the beginning of my journey to take revenge.

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