

Chapter Four: Five Years Later - Rebirth I awoke in a room bathed in soft, golden light. The luxurious bed beneath me felt plush, and my body felt strangely whole. I blinked, trying to process the unfamiliar surroundings. Then it hit me - I looked different. My once disfigured face was now flawless, and when I sat up, I discovered that my legs were fully functional. Rising from the bed, I cautiously approached a full-length mirror. Staring back at me was the Annalise of my dreams, unmarred and beautiful. Confusion mingled with disbelief as I touched my smooth skin and ran my fingers through my silver-colored hair. I was the same Annalise, just with a very slight difference. "How did this happen?" I questioned, still in disbelief. After saying the word, I was glued to the spot for a while. "Did I just speak?" I finally found my voice. "I just did! I spoke! I just did!" I screamed excitedly as I jumped around the house. I rushed back to the mirror and stood there, admiring the miracle that had been done unto me. "Of course, I should be able to speak. After all, I can walk, and my hands and eyes are functional." As I pondered this miraculous transformation, the door to the room slowly creaked open, and in walked a man. A man I knew all too well, a man who had been my sworn enemy in my past life - River Cane, the alpha of the Red Breeder pack. My heart raced, and for a moment, I wondered if my rebirth had been some cruel trick orchestrated by my tormentors. But the look in River's eyes was different, a mixture of surprise and uncertainty. He seemed to be as shocked as I was. "Annalise?" he uttered my name with a hint of disbelief. I nodded slowly, unable to find my voice. Memories of our bitter rivalry flooded back, and I couldn't forget how we had clashed in the past. River's eyes softened, and he stepped closer, examining me with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "You're different," he remarked. I found my voice at last. "So are you," I replied, my gaze locking with his. Gone was the hostility that had defined our previous encounters. Instead, there was an unspoken understanding that we were both changed beings. "You're finally awake, Annalise," he said. He sounded like he had been dying to say it. It kept skipping his lips whenever he wanted to, and he had finally gotten the opportunity to say it. "I can't believe you are finally awake, Annalise, after so long," he continued. I shifted from the mirror, and River moved towards me. He stopped right in front of me, and while looking me in the eyes, he held both my arms tightly, but loose enough not to hurt me. "Annalise," he called slowly, peering into my eyes. "You, you..." He trailed off and continued staring into my eyes. I blinked twice and swallowed hard. Then, I moved my gaze to the floor, too shy to continue looking him in the eyes. "How am I here?" I asked him. My gaze was still fixed on the floor, and I slowly drew unseen diagrams on the floor with my leg. "I will tell you," River replied and let go. The look in his eyes when he was staring into my eyes had disappeared, and a neutral look replaced it. River held me by the hand and led me to the bed. He sat on the bed, and I sat down beside him. I took a few seconds to scan the room where I had been placed, and it was a beautiful sight to behold. My heart sank when I remembered my room in my pack. Now, everything had been taken away from me. "Okay, that faithful day, I heard rumors before then about the plans to dethrone you," he started. "You know, I have ears and eyes all over. But, I didn't think it was true because your husband loved you so much to do that." I swallowed hard at the mention of my husband and love. I knew River could easily refer to him by his name but chose to call him my husband instead. I wasn't sure why, but I knew it was for a reason. "Your ex-husband, I meant," he corrected before continuing. "You know, I never thought you both would ever get to that stage. I was cooling off at the park on that day. I didn't have any plans to do anything else, other than just cool off and then leave the environment. I was shocked when I saw your car drive in, but still, I decided to mind my business by leaving the place so I wouldn't see you." He paused for a while. It was like he was trying to catch his breath. Then, he continued. "I wasn't at ease where I relocated to sit and enjoy the air. My mind kept wandering, and when I couldn't help it anymore, I decided to go see for myself, and immediately I stood up and turned around, and I saw him push me into the pool. Before I could get there, it was already too late, but I vowed to see you alive again." "So, what did you do to me?" I asked. "Nothing much, rather than bring you out of the pool and get the best witch doctors to care for you. Although, you were already dead when I brought you out of the... out of the water." I sighed. "And," I asked. I was still curious about my rebirth and how I was whole again. River explained how he had discovered me on the brink of death years ago and, out of a sense of duty, had brought me back to his pack to save me. His words resonated with me, and I couldn't deny the gratitude I felt toward him for giving me a second chance at life. I remembered seeing him around before I finally gave up the ghost. I had several questions to ask but wanted to let it all lie low while I focused on the future and how to get my revenge on those who had killed me. I was sure not going to let it slide. I wanted to know exactly how I was reborn, but it seemed as though River kept going back and forth whenever I asked him that particular question, so I decided to let it slide. River was either keeping the information from me or didn't know either from the surprise I saw in his eyes when I walked in. I shook my head and made up my mind that my revenge would come first. Our conversation continued, and as we spoke, I found myself slowly letting go of my old grudges. I realized that, in this new life, we could be allies rather than enemies. "Annalise," River called, taking my hands in his. "Yes?" I responded, looking him in the eyes. "What would you want to do now?" He asked. "I seek revenge!" I responded bluntly. "Revenge you would get, Annalise, but first... we have to get your life outside being Annalise who returned for revenge," he informed me. I wondered what he meant and didn't waste any time to ask the question. "What do you mean?" I questioned. "You cannot be Annalise anymore. We have to change your name, get you a new background, a new life, and a new name. You cannot walk around with your old identity, Annalise if you want to catch your enemies unawares." I was beginning to see the wisdom in River's words. I knew my friend and ex-husband's weaknesses. I should use it against them in my new world. "What kind of life and name do you want to give me, River?" I asked. "I will go by whatever works for you." "Annalise," he called. "Get your confidence back and choose your life. Whatever you think would work perfectly for you, I am ready to give you that kind of life." River was right; I should be the one to choose what I wanted. I began to ponder on the best way to be addressed. I knew whatever I chose would affect my revenge deeply, and I wanted something that wouldn't be suspicious and, at the same time, something that would make my revenge so easy for me without blowing things up. "Take your time, Annalise," River said, patience filled in his voice. I nodded as I thought critically. River sat there patiently waiting for me to decide, so they could give me a new life immediately. I sighed deeply. I was determined to use this rebirth as an opportunity to seek revenge on those who had wronged me. And with River's support, I felt more confident than ever that justice would be served. I knew the reason I was given a second chance was to avenge my death and that of my parents who were brutally killed by the ungrateful Constance and her now-husband. As I thought about my revenge, the answer to River's question clicked in. "I want to be known as Elara," I finally said, my voice steady and determined. "Elara Steele." River nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Elara Steele it is, then." From that moment, my transformation began in earnest. River and I worked together to create a new identity for me, complete with forged documents and a carefully crafted backstory. I became Elara Steele, a mysterious newcomer with a past shrouded in secrecy. As I stepped into this new life, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with the burning desire for revenge. I knew the path ahead would be treacherous, but with River by my side and a newfound purpose, I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The chapter of my life as Annalise was closed and a new chapter as Elara Steele was just beginning.

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