


The door pushed open and I looked up. To see the new Luna, Constance Avery and Edwin Lane outside the door, their lips locked together in a kiss, their hands groping each other.

My hands shook.

"Gosh... You're so, so sweet!" Edwin said in-between their kiss. I sat frozen. My mind couldn't wrap around what I was seeing at all. I was shocked. I was shocked with the enthusiasm Edwin showed. In the five years I was married to him, he had never shown this much eagerness in bed.

I clutched the paper in my hand tightly as the couple stopped to glance at me. Then, like I was no one at all, they turned back to each other to resume their deed.

My insides twisted in raw agony and my wolf howled in anguish for the umpteenth time today as I watched them.

"Yes, right there..." Constance moaned as he began kissing her neck, and Edwin moaned in return. Constance turned her face in my direction and then, she smirked at me.

"Let's do it here, baby..." She told him and Edwin moaned, "yes, yes, my love, anywhere."

I was more than shocked, and then devastated that they were going to have sex right in front of my eyes after humiliating me in front of everyone in the great hall.

I didn't understand. I couldn't understand what I did for Constance to hate me so much? For both of them to hate me so much? What did I ever do to them? I had done so much for them. I had helped Constance throughout our elite college because the fees were too high. I had even given her the capital she used to start up. Edwin on the other hand? I had surrendered everything that was mine to him. Even going as far as burning in the fire for him. Yet, this was all I got.

Constance moaned out loud and they fell on the large bed still draped with the silky velvet I had personally decorated for our wedding anniversary night. I could only watch as Edwin undressed Constance on our own matrimonial bed and then how he took her as her moans filled the room.

I refused to cry. I refused to cry at this utmost degradation but Edwin grunting and taking Constance with the fervor I had never known him in bed for, made involuntary tears run down my face.

I couldn't leave because I could not walk. I also couldn't protest because I was unable to speak. I was forced to hear their sighs in my own bed. Where we had been intimate. Images of me with him on that bed were gone, now replaced with the soiled image of him and Constance.

I stayed still, crying at the same time with my howling wolf until the sound became unbearable to hear.

In anger, I reached out for the piece of broken mirror on the floor and brought it to my hand. I ran them across my wrists and I watched as the blood flowed from the wound and then I watched as my tears dropped on the wound and flowed together with the blood.

I continued running the sharp side of the mirror across my hands until all I could feel was the pain of my wound, preventing me from feeling the anguish that was threatening to consume me.

And then, I watched, quietly as the wound slowly hid itself, flesh covering bone and skin covering flesh.

After what felt like forever, the couple in the bed let out mixed groans and then silence reigned in the room. I remained still, staring at my severed wrists.

"Honey, what should we do about the mute idiot?" Constance asked and my body tensed up.

They were definitely referring to me.

"Anything you want, darling, what do you want to be done?" Edwin replied, his voice laced with sickening sweetness.

"Now that I am Luna, I want her gone for good. I can't take chances and make her ruin anything for us." Constance replied and I shook my head in fear and disbelief and trembled, waiting for Edwin's reply.

"Done. However you want, darling." Edwin replied and I knew then that I was finished. I trembled, a revolting mess as I was, and my hands flew to cradle my stomach.

At this point, it didn't matter if I died or not. I was better off dead but not my baby. He or she deserved to live and experience life. I didn't want to die. At least, not yet when I had not yet delivered my child.

My hands wrapped around the pregnancy results and I gave it to him.

But then, I was roughly pulled up from the floor. I struggled to get out of the person's grip but the person was just too strong.

"Don't move." Edwin said to my ear and my blood ran cold. All this while, I yearned for him to touch me on his own Accord but not like this. Not when he had just cruelty revealed that he was ready to get rid of me for Constance.

Edwin, together with Constance, bundled me in the car.

"Take us to the Lavida Waters." Edwin said to the driver.

Lavida Waters... That was my favorite place in the Lavida pack. I loved the ocean so much. It had been the go to place for my mum when she was alive and later became the most favorite place for me. I had visited it at least three times in a month before the accident.

Why was Edwin taking me to the sea? My favorite one at that? What was going on? If I could speak, I would have been screaming for answers by now even though I doubt they would have answered.

The car was quiet and after what seemed like an hour's drive, the car came to a stop. I was forcefully hauled out of the car and I tightened my hands around the paper to ensure it didn't fall.

I was finally dropped when we arrived at the lake. I stared at the water then I looked at them. Why did they bring me here?

As if she could read my question, Constance smiled.

"You want to know why we brought you here, right?" She asked, twirling her hair in between her fingers.

I didn't answer, only stared at her, hatred burning deep in my soul. She suddenly burst out laughing.

"To kill you." She said, something flashing in her eyes. I shook my head, numb. Why would they want to kill me? What did I do?

"Wanna know why?" She asked me and glanced at Edwin.

She didn't wait for me to nod or not and continued.

"Let me tell you a story, Annalise. Once upon two girls, two friends if you call it that.

One was pretty normal, with normal features, plain black hair and boring brown eyes. The other possessed silver coloured hair and dark green eyes, so pretty they caught the sunlight. " She paused and then she regarded my face. I came to a realization. The girls she referred to were the both of us. I wondered why she thought of her looks as ordinary, I'd never seen her as such.

"The boring one, " she continued, " was also very poor. Her mother worked as a prostitute to provide food for her and had no father. On the other hand, the other one had a rich, happy family.

Those two girls met and the poor one decided to latch on to the rich one to get a connection and be able to afford a rich lifestyle. The rich one had no friends at that time and was naturally happy to get one and so, agreed to be friends.

From that day, they were always seen together, the poor, uninteresting one following the silver haired dog."

My mind wandered to those times we were together. Those times were truly one of my best memories even up till now. Why did she make it seem we were master and servant? I had never seen her as such?

"They both grew up and went to college. The poor one is still bootlicking the rich one to afford a better life. Soon, the rich one found her mate but the boring uninteresting one didn't.

Ironically, the boring one fell for the rich one's mate and he fell in love with her too. They secretly started dating." She paused to smirk at me and my body trembled in disbelief. So... They had been dating that long? And Edwin never mentioned it to me?

"Long story short, the poor one later found out that the rich one's father was her father and her mother was the mistress he had chased away after a one night stand."

The trembling in my body increased and my eyes widened. How? How could that be true? How could Constance be my stepsister?

"The poor one knew then that everything the rich one had could have been her own and thus, her quest for a much better life began.

She killed her father and then his wife and she watched as the rich one came to her for solace. Next, she found a way to get rid of her grandfather and grandma too.

The poor one and the rich one's mate were eager to be together and the rich one's mate also wanted to become the alpha. The poor one wanted to be Luna too so they found a way to transfer her assets to her mate and it was easy. Next, she planned a fire incident and set up the rich one.

The poor one made sure to be there when the rich one was released from the hospital so she could revel in how disfigured she had become.

They had now switched roles. The uninteresting one was now the beautiful, rich one and the rich one? " Constance asked and laughed.

" She was now poor, deformed and disfigured. The poor one is called Constance Avery and is now the Luna of Black Blood Pack and the rich one is called Annalise Avery and is now a nobody. " Constance concluded.

For a moment, I just stared at space because it couldn't possibly be true. It must all be cruel . The accident was actually instigated by the two people I loved and trusted with everything in me. That my whole life was actually ruined by the closest people that I loved most couldn't be true... Right?

I was crushed and anguished and betrayed and angry. A strong hatred I never knew could reside inside me, washed through me. Why did it have to be like that? Why me?

My tears flowed freely, and I bothered not to hide it anymore. They had already seen me at rock bottom, what was there to hide?

My will to live was gone but then I remembered my baby. I couldn't die yet. I raised my hand and I reached to give Edwin the results but it was snatched by constance.

I knew then that I had made a mistake by giving him in her presence. If only I had shown him since without waiting till our anniversary, he may have left me as his mate. Who was I kidding?

Constance read the results and she let out a small gasp as her eyes widened and then they narrowed viciously.

"What is that, honey?" Alpha Edwin asked her, apparently having heard her gasp.

" Nothing, darling. Just a silly love letter. The fool still hopes you get back together " she said to him and he scoffed.

I was exhausted and I couldn't even gasp in shock at her lie anymore. I just watched, numb as she ripped the result right before my eyes. My only hope and something I had fought hard for.

Edwin suddenly grabbed me and I clutched his clothes.

"You love me." I wanted to say. As if he knew, he said,

"It was a lie..."

Without a word of goodbye, he let go of me and I fell into the water.

The water was cold and freezing. Not like the water I had loved so much.

So this was the end right? I ceased to flail in the water. It was finished for me.

Through the veils of the water, I spotted someone suddenly arrive. Alpha

He hurriedly pushed Edwin. I couldn't see clearly because I was too weak and my vision, dotted. Alpha River Cane who had confessed to me so many times in the past. Who had said he loved me, who I became enemies with because Edwin hated him.

I watched as he punched Edwin and then jumped after me. I wanted to smile but I couldn't. Not when he was too late? Why had I only realized his love for me now that it was too late? Why did the goddess give me such a cruel fate? I hated her! I hated Edwin! I hated all of them! I was resentful and I was not happy. Life was too cruel.

The last bubble of air floated out and my life flashed before me like a film. And I took my last breath.


In a luxurious bed in a beautiful room draped with beautiful sheets, a silver headed girl suddenly woke up from the bed, her eyes opened, dark green and beautiful and she gasped.

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