
131. Thank the waves

[Amor’s POV]

I had to do my research, anyway. It was better to not get too attached to a power. I exhaled.

“Where are the things from the Enver pack?” I asked Morfan, rubbing my temples.

“They are piled in your office in the Aura palace in Arginieth along with other works that have been pending for three and a half months,” Morfan said with a daunting smile.

I knew what that smile meant. He was going to make me work overtime for several months to get those works done, along with the new ones that would keep adding up every day.

I sighed, “you won’t show me any mercy, will you? Even if I am newly married?” I looked at him, blinking innocently.

“Don’t even think about Mercy and as for newly married. No one knows better than me what kind of relationship you have with her highness. I wrote the contract, did you forget? So even if the god of death comes to collect your soul, I won’t let you take a day’s leave. Not to forget all the explanations you need to give for your abiding order
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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Hahaha he’s only fooling himself
goodnovel comment avatar
He is sooo in love with her lol
goodnovel comment avatar
Amber Behm
Big Alpha needs a confidant to understand the meaning of ‘love’. Lol

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