
Dealt with Ace

Kevin's POV….

Never did I imagine Shantel would be as stupid and dense as she is right now. From the onset, I'm aware she can get real daft, but I never considered she'll get involved in a fight on the first day of school.

Like, what the fuck is wrong with that girl? The instant I heard that it was Shantel Raven causing a commotion, I couldn't stop myself from forcing my way into the crowd, heading for her. I had gotten stepped on by several people and trust me my feet hurt like hell. Then again, I kept going through.

Finally arriving at the scene, I frowned upon seeing it's truly Shantel. She's presently engaged in a brawl with Chloe, although they aren't physically fighting. Instead, they were engaged in a hot verbal exchange of words.

“I heard their fathers are mortal foes”

“Shantel is beautiful, right?”

“Sometimes I wonder if they can ever get along?”

“Why would they come on the same day?”

“Doesn't it seem planned?”

“By the devil?”

The mummers emanating from the crowd didn't re
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