


Luckily, he was distracted by someone entering the house, and that was the first time I noticed the switchblade that he'd taken with him. He hadn't realized that I'd seen.

I remember how scared I was when he put the knife to my throat, and even more afraid of what he was going to do next. At that moment I was truly convinced that he was going to slit my throat open, cutting out my tongue. When I saw him raise his arm, preparing to strike, all I could do was scream.

Linux stopped short when he heard me screaming, and he stared at me for a moment in confusion. Eventually, it seemed to dawn on him what was happening.

"Oh s*it!"

He exclaimed and dropped the knife, grabbing the sides of my face. His hand covered my mouth and nose, preventing any noises from escaping. I struggled to breathe under his hand.

Suddenly, the grip on my chin loosened slightly, allowing me to take a small breath of air, but not enough for me to scream.

"Shhhhhh," he whispered soothingly. "Shut
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