
Chapter 49 - My father is a vampire

- Open the door. – The king shouts outside Julius’s room.

Julius sitting on the bed looks at the door but says nothing. His father tried to open it, but the door was locked.

- Julius, open the damn door immediately. I want to talk to you.

- Are you going to use your commanding voice on me again? The Voice you swore you would never use on me? The voice that wasn't meant for a son?

The king sighs.

- Please Julius, open the door. we need to talk. – he says in a calm tone.

- I'm lying down and have no plans to leave the bed or the room in the next few days.

- Julius, don't act like a little pup.

- I'm confused. Sometimes I'm an adult. Other times a child. Until you decide what I am, we have nothing to talk about.

- I'm your father, Julius.

- As my father, I ask you to leave me alone. I'm not going to open the door and I'm not going to leave my room for as long as I want. Now if you want to command me as my king, I will open the door, but you will no longer be a father to me. You will simp
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