
Chapter 4.

Rosa POV.

Why are they looking at me like I’ve got three heads or something? Oh no, what have I done?

“Why are you all looking at me like that? Can you please remove the silver? It is burning my skin.” I scream as I thrash on the bed and pull as hard as I can, but it is futile. Cece is restrained and so is Jadara. I can’t even feel them.

“We can’t do that, baby. This is for your own good. Please, Rosa understand.” I pull harder and scream as the smell of burning flesh makes me gag.

“REMOVE THEM NOW! IT FUCKING BURNS!” I scream again when tears leave my eyes and my mom sobs as I thrash. Blood drips from the marks on my wrists. I kick my legs out and pull myself down, choking as I move.

“PLEASE, what did I do?” I sob and scream.

“Shhh, you didn’t do anything we need to keep them both under control Rosa, they have killed people!” my dad shouts at, me causing me to freeze. I turn and look at him, tears streaming down my face.

“You’re lying. They are locked away in my head. Dad don’t talk shit!” I shake my head as the chains rattle and clink.

“Baby, listen to me. Your dad speaks the truth. When you have been asleep, they have broken through the barrier and have gone on a rampage.” I shake my head at my mom’s words. No, I won’t believe this. They are lying. Nothing is registering.

“No, I would know if they did. I would be covered in fucking blood. Don’t talk bullshit, mom. Please let me go. You are all in danger if you don’t release me!” I snap at them as my skin burns around my neck and wrists.

“Rosa, please understand …”

“Understand that I am being held against my will. You are keeping me prisoner here wherever here is. Let. Me. Go!” I spit at her, becoming angry, which is something I don’t do often.

“I’m sorry, baby. But we can’t let you go. They have killed people, Rosa. The council …”

“Fuck the damn council. I have been doing their jobs and I don’t believe what you are telling me. So either let me go or …”

“Or what? You are restrained. Your wolf and oracle are of no use to you right now. You will stay here until we have a solution.” I turn my head to Charlie, his hands clenched into tight fists, my eyes shift from his fists to his face. Is he fucking serious right now? Oh, I hate him even more now!

“You are to blame for all of this. You can fuck off back to the water. You are not needed here Charlie, I don’t need you. Go on little fish, fuck off!” I snap at him before I spit in his face. He wipes his cheek as he shakes his head at me.

“Rosa, let me help you. I am the only one who is strong enough to help you right now.” I scoff and wriggle my wrists more blood pours I will get free of these bonds then I will run.

“Did you forget who my mom is? Please, she is more powerful than you ever will be. Go back to your mate and child, Charlie. Leave me be. I don’t need you or your fake ass help and I haven’t for a long time.” I say as I look away and he sighs.

“No, Rosa. You are my friend and …”

“Was. I was your friend, then you shit on me all because you thought you were the one who was worthy of having the oracle? She chose me, not you, and I wonder why?”

“Because you are weak, she knew she could manipulate you and she has done Rosa. I’m sorry, but that’s the truth.” He says and my dad growls.

“Maybe that is true. Even so, I don’t need your help. So how about this? You unlock me now and you can leave. None of you will see me again. That is a damn promise.” I say to them.

“Not happening, baby. You can’t be trusted. Jadara, with the help of Cece, have both killed over a thousand people, not just wolves but humans and other supernatural creatures over the past four and a half years.” My eyes widen as I look at my parents with what dad has just told me.

I shake my head, not wanting to believe any of this. But then I remember a dream I once had. Stalking people in the night and bathing in blood. I blink before I close my eyes. Could that have been a memory? Or is it something I have dreamt up?

But if everything they are saying is true then, oh Goddess. It’s true, all of it is true. What have I done?

“You’re here to put me down.” I say quietly as I look down at my lap, bursting into tears for a whole new reason this time. Feeling completely hopeless and weak.

“Oh sweetie, no, you need help. That is why we are here.” My mom tries to comfort me, but I move away from her.

“I have failed. Running away and living in exile did nothing to stop either of them. Put me out of my misery, please, I beg you. Kill me!” I sob harder as I look up at Charlie and he looks away, biting his lip that is trembling.

“No, we have a solution to keep them both at bay. You need to come back to civilisation Rosa. You need to reconnect with Cece. Your bond with her is stronger than your bond with Jadara.” I ignore their words. Bond. Ha! What fucking bond? They have taken things into their own hands, or paws. Whatever, the point is, I have failed. I am weak and useless. Charlie is right.

“It is no use. They have broken through the barrier. I can’t contain them, I can’t stop them. Put me down!” I say as I completely crumble at what they have been doing. So much for trying to do the right thing. I am so bloody stupid and naïve to think that it would work.

“No, you have to fight back, Rosa. Jadara can be controlled with obsidian same as Cece can be controlled with silver and wolfsbane. That collar and those cuffs are combined with silver and obsidian. If we can keep Jadara under control with the obsidian, then that could give you time to reform your bond with Cece.” My mom sounds hopeful and I scoff, shaking my head.

“Not possible. Cece is bonded to Jadara. Her wolf form is different.” I look at Charlie and he offers me a small smile.

“How is she different?” my dad asks, and Charlie pinches the bridge of his nose.

“When I captured Rosa, she was in her wolf form. Cece has scales under her fur. She is bonded with Jadara.” My eyes widen. I was in wolf form when he caught me? But why don’t I remember?

“That’s not possible. The last thing I remember is falling asleep by the cave and then waking up here. Stop lying Charlie.” I say to him when he shrieks at me and I wince back. Bringing my knees up to my chest.

“I am not lying. You were in wolf form. The reason you can’t remember anything is …

“Charlie, that’s enough.” My mom snaps at him.

“No, tell me.”

“Jadara wiped your memories. But I swear to you, Rosa, I swear on Poseidon you were in your wolf form. You tried to attack me.” What the fuck?

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