Rosa The Wolf Oracle.

Rosa The Wolf Oracle.

By:  Becca Lou  Updated just now
Language: English
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Rosa is the adopted daughter of Gaia The Wolf Goddess Of Hell. Rosa shared half the soul of the first oracle with her best friend. A siren boy called Charlie. He is in fact her fated mate. But not all is as it seems. Charlie in his arrogance wants the other half of the oracle soul for himself, so he turns against Rosa and their bond and mates and marks another female. But Rosa didn’t know until it was too late. On that day the oracle was reborn but in her anger declared who she truly was. Jadara the Vengeful. She was sent by the gods to kill those who tainted their mate bonds and so in her rage pulled the other half of her soul from Charlie and joined with Cece Rosa’s wolf. In Rosa’s desperation she fled away from civilisation to keep everyone safe. She was broken, rejected and alone living in solitude for five years until the oracle and her wolf took over. Will Rosa be able to stop Jadara from her mission? Will she embrace her? Or will they encounter the one who broke them? Nothing is as it seems. Only by joining forces will they truly understand who they really are.

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68 Chapters
Chapter 1.
Rosa POV.For five years, I have lived in exile. For five years I have stayed away from my family, and other packs. I can’t be around anyone. I don’t want to hurt anyone. I am not just a werewolf, no I am something else. I have the soul of a very hateful oracle inside of me. Her name is Jadara the Vengeful, and she is evil.I have not shifted since that day when everything went to shit, too afraid that if I do, Jadara and Cece, my wolf will go on a rampage. So I have shut them both out and have been living off the land away from civilization.The day plays back in my head. The day I left home; I left my family to go and start my training full time at the settlement at Moonlight Cove. My mate betrayed me and in doing so called on the oracle within to pull the other half of her soul from him, becoming a monster.Charlie was an orphan, like me. He was abandoned at the orphanage as a baby whereas I was there because my birth parents died in a rogue attack. That is where I found my new fam
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Chapter 2.
Rosa POV.“Thousands of years ago, when the world of the supernatural was still new. I lived in a beautiful cabin in the forest. I was out walking one day in the woods gathering herbs and ingredients. When I heard a growl from behind me. I turned and came face to face with the most beautiful man you would ever see. He was tall, hair the as golden as the sun. Tribal markings on his bare chest and arms, kind of like Charlie.” She smiles slightly and I cross my legs, listening to her story.“He was a werewolf and my fated mate. I knew of the supernatural, with me being the first oracle at the time. So I knew what it meant. We instantly fell in love and the bond helped tremendously. He was an Alpha. I could never be his luna because of what I was, but it didn’t bother him. He said he would convince me.” she chuckles and I watch her.“His name was Alpha Merrick. We grew closer to each other, and in time, we mated and marked each other. Life was simple and great back then. For years, we wer
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Chapter 3.
Charlie POV.After nearly five long and tiring years of searching, I have finally found her. Rosa my little wolf mate. I say mate she isn’t. I broke than bond five years ago, when I was such an ass to her. I know she will never accept me again for what I did to her and all the vile things I said to her. If anything, I want to just be her friend. But then again, friends don’t knock each other out and take them back to their home in hopes of gaining her trust again.The siren I marked and mated during her mating season lost our child, and she died during the process. And before anyone says serves you right, I know that, but still Rosa was my friend at one point and I was instructed by her family to bring her here.They believe the longer she is bound to the oracle, the more savage and bloodthirsty she will become. And I hate to say this, but I think I am too late.The look in her white eyes told me she has fully bonded with Jadara. The Rosa I knew back then would have never tried to att
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Chapter 4.
Rosa POV.Why are they looking at me like I’ve got three heads or something? Oh no, what have I done?“Why are you all looking at me like that? Can you please remove the silver? It is burning my skin.” I scream as I thrash on the bed and pull as hard as I can, but it is futile. Cece is restrained and so is Jadara. I can’t even feel them.“We can’t do that, baby. This is for your own good. Please, Rosa understand.” I pull harder and scream as the smell of burning flesh makes me gag.“REMOVE THEM NOW! IT FUCKING BURNS!” I scream again when tears leave my eyes and my mom sobs as I thrash. Blood drips from the marks on my wrists. I kick my legs out and pull myself down, choking as I move.“PLEASE, what did I do?” I sob and scream.“Shhh, you didn’t do anything we need to keep them both under control Rosa, they have killed people!” my dad shouts at, me causing me to freeze. I turn and look at him, tears streaming down my face.“You’re lying. They are locked away in my head. Dad don’t talk
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Chapter 5.
Rosa POV.I go completely still with his words. That conniving little bitch has been wiping my memories. So this is all true! More reason to put me down. If I’m dead, then neither of them can do jack shit!“Ok, I believe you. So what do we do?” I ask as my skin sizzles and I wince.“Please remove the restraints. I am willing to do what is needed to protect the world.” I say I look down and think if they release me, I can run again and then I can take matters into my own hands. I can jump to my death or I could poke a bear. Or anything, really. All I know is that I can’t go back into the world. I have been away too long for that to work.“I will remove the wrist restraints, but the collar needs to stay on.” Well, that is better than anything, really. If I go ahead with the plan to end myself, at least neither Cece nor Jadara can then stop me.My mom comes close to me with the key and I hold my arms out and she unlocks each cuff and they fall onto the bed, taking some of my burnt skin w
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Chapter 6.
Rosa POV.Ok Rosa, you can do this. It has only been five years since you were last around people. You can do this. I keep chanting to myself the closer we get to town.Mom and dad left us with instructions for me to behave and to Charlie, well, they told him good luck and then left. So now I’m stuck with him in a car and I keep repeating the same thing over and over, hoping it will help.I can do this, I can do this, I can … I can’t do this, I’m not ready. My breathing comes out hard and fast as I look out of the window of the car at the faces of curious people. Not just wolves, but humans, too.“Charlie, stop the car, please.” He looks at me, but I’m ready to flee.“Rosa, are you o …”“STOP THE FUCKING CAR!” I shout as I am in the throes of having a huge panic attack. This is not good, not safe. No one is safe if I stay here. Hand’s grip my face as my heart is trying to break out of my chest with pain like a heart attack. I begin to feel lightheaded.“Breathe, Rosy. Come on, in and
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Chapter 7.
Charlie POV.I watch as she walks away from me and looks around the house. We will both be staying in until she has both Cece and Jadara under control. It pains me to see the life has left her pretty jade green eyes, and she is more that ready to give up. But I won’t let her.Rosy, I mean Rosa, was always so fun to be around and now she looks defeated and scared of her own shadow. I will do everything in my power to help her regain control. Even if it kills me.“Charlie.” I look up at her and her eyes glisten with the tears she is trying to keep at bay.“Yes, Rosa. What is it?” I ask her as I move slowly towards her, but keeping a respectful distance from her, not wanting to spook her anymore than she already is.“I don’t have any clothes and I’m kind of hungry.” She says shyly and I smile softly as I move past her and take her hand and she jumps slightly. I remove my hand, realising she has had no human contact in five years and has been completely alone. I don’t want to push her too
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Chapter 8.
Rosa POV.I stand in the open doorway in to what is now my bedroom. I fidget with my fingers and bite the inside of my bottom lip. This is going to be ok. I step into the room and debate with myself if I should close the door or keep it open.If I keep it open, I can pretend I am back in the cave. If I close it, I can let myself believe that I am normal. I scoff at that. Normal! Ha, there is nothing normal about any of this, or me, for that matter. I chose to keep the door open.I look at the bed and reach my hand out, but pull it back as I blink and shake my head. This won’t last long, so I won’t get too comfortable. I sigh and move to the chaise and take the blanket that was on the back of it. I set it on the plush cream coloured carpet and lay down facing the open door. I place my hands under my head and bring my knees to my chest.This is only temporary until I can figure something else out. I move to sit and tug the hood of the bathrobe up and tighten the sash and lay back down.
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Chapter 9.
Rosa POV.I sit on the windowseat looking out over the back garden. What am I supposed to be doing? Charlie gave me another shot of liquid obsidian, and I still can’t feel anything.“I need to take this damn collar off.” With that, I pout as I stand up and move to the bathroom. I have now decided it would be best if I could try to sort this out before resorting to ending my life.So if it means trying to get Cece out and reconnecting with her, then so be it. As for the murderous psychotic oracle, she can stay in a damn coma for all I care. When I’m strong enough, I will try to engage her. Maybe I can I show her the world again from that of love.I scoff to myself. Yeah right. I don’t even love myself at the moment, so how am I to show her?I look in the mirror and move closer. I tilt my head to get a better look at the collar. I reach up and spin it around, looking for a lock or a clasp. But there is nothing. How the hell did they get it on?I sigh and drop my head, shaking it as I ch
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Chapter 10.
Rosa POV.“Rosa, is she ok?” Odessa’s voice pulls me back as Cece whines in her sleep.“She is exhausted and seems to be in pain.” I say as I watch Cece in my head.“That is to be expected. She has spent the last five years separated from you. It would seem she was only able to shift under Jadara’s command. The barrier that not only you placed but that of what Jadara placed will have taken a lot of energy for her to break through. She will be ok in time. The important thing here is she is now back with you. Let her rest.” She says, and I give one last look at my sleeping wolf and open my eyes.“You did good, sweetie. She will be ok and so will you. Give her time.” Dragus says and I nod my head, feeling a headache form. It is strange to know I have her back, but I didn’t know the damage I was inflicting by keeping her out. The damage that not only I have endured, but she has too.Cece has endured more being stuck with that psycho bitch and all the things she was made to do for her. Thi
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