
Chapter 2.

Rosa POV.

“Thousands of years ago, when the world of the supernatural was still new. I lived in a beautiful cabin in the forest. I was out walking one day in the woods gathering herbs and ingredients. When I heard a growl from behind me. I turned and came face to face with the most beautiful man you would ever see. He was tall, hair the as golden as the sun. Tribal markings on his bare chest and arms, kind of like Charlie.” She smiles slightly and I cross my legs, listening to her story.

“He was a werewolf and my fated mate. I knew of the supernatural, with me being the first oracle at the time. So I knew what it meant. We instantly fell in love and the bond helped tremendously. He was an Alpha. I could never be his luna because of what I was, but it didn’t bother him. He said he would convince me.” she chuckles and I watch her.

“His name was Alpha Merrick. We grew closer to each other, and in time, we mated and marked each other. Life was simple and great back then. For years, we were together. Each time I failed to become pregnant, it would tear a small piece of my soul away. Even though he said it was ok. But I couldn’t give up. My mate, my husband, needed an heir. So we kept trying and failing. Our marriage became strained. But in my naivety I thought we were ok.” She scoffs and looks away as she composers herself.

“I started feeling pain when he wasn’t around and I thought it was just cramps. But the pain became worse over time. Until one day it stopped. Merrick and I were getting along again, and he seemed happier in himself. For years, this went on until one day the pain returned. I was in the forest gathering what I could when I collapsed in pain.” Her hand goes to her chest like she is reliving that pain.

“I woke up the next morning and I felt hollow. It was then that I realised something was terribly wrong. The herbs I was gathering were to help with morning sickness. I had finally become pregnant with his heir and wanted to surprise him, but I was the one who got the surprise in the end.” I move closer to her and take her hand in mine.

“I was on my way back to our cabin when I saw him. He wasn’t alone. Something in me broke. It was a different time back then. He was holding hands with another and she was pregnant, but what hurt more was the little boy by his side. His child. In my rage and heartache, I confronted them both. He told me he needed an heir, and that I was weak, so he took matters into his own hands. Not only did he get this she-wolf pregnant, he had marked her and her him.” I squeeze her hand. Please, Goddess, don’t let her tell me what I think she did. Please let me be wrong.

“What did you do?” she looked at me with no emotion in her white eyes.

“I did what I had to. I killed them. Him, his new pregnant mate, and his son. Then I turned my fury on his pack.” I gasp, my mouth agape as I slowly shake my head.

“I took it upon myself to kill every person, be it man or woman, who cheated on their mates. That is why I am called Jadara the Vengeful. I lost my child when he marked another. So I returned the debt in kind. I took his mate, his son, and his unborn. I was killed in the end after years of killing those who betrayed the bond. My soul was split in two. The gods decided to give me a chance. Until such times that my soul was whole again. This was never meant to happen, Rosa. I was meant to guide you the correct way, but when Charlie started to be horrible towards you and Cece. The half that was with you became angry and the half that was with him became malicious. So I had to act. I had to be whole again. The moment he betrayed you was the moment my other purpose was made holy writ.” She says and I stand, backing away from her, shaking my head.

“You’re evil, you’re a monster. I can’t let you fulfil what you are here for. Jadara, there has to be another way. Please.” I say to her when she stands and raises her hand, her fingers spread and I stop moving like I’m paralysed, and I feel like I’m choking when she walks to me. She kisses my cheek.

“There is only one way. I’m sorry, Rosa, but Cece and I have been locked away for too long. It is time we all become one. I can’t be kept from my purpose again. He betrayed you, he betrayed us. Think of all those people who are living with that pain every single day. Like you are. Don’t you want revenge?” she asks and I feel my eyes lining with tears as she chuckles.

“Fuck you!” I spit the words, and she sighs, shaking her head.

“You will forgive us in time, but right now. You belong to me,” she says as her eyes glow and I squeeze my eyes shut. When I feel her, re-enter my body and I fall gasping for breath as I look around. Something inside of me changes. I think back to everything that Charlie did to me. Something snaps.

“Now Rosa. It is time. We move as one. We create carnage, we bring the god’s justice to those who are being hurt, we finally have become one. Don’t worry, I will not harm your family. But we will find Charlie and he will die for his sins.” She says and I feel myself changing, becoming stronger, becoming filled with hate as I stand and move to the edge overlooking the world below. I smirk when Cece comes forward.

“The land will bleed. The sins of those will cleanse the earth and then we will be satisfied.” She says in my head and I shift for the first time in five years. The tiny scales shimmer under my red fur. She throws her head back and howls as Jadara laughs.

We bolt as I become one with them both, allowing their thoughts to twist with mine. We run down the mountain and skid to a sudden stop. My eyes widen at the figure I see standing there. He turns and I growl at him. He raises his hands to me when his scent hits me. No, no, this is not fucking happening. No!

“Rosa? Is that you?” He asks and I snap my jaws at him, looks like I didn’t have to look far.

“Charlie. It isn’t every day the prey comes to the predator.” I say as I take slow steps towards him. My head is down, my lips pulled up over my sharp white teeth when we lunge forward, jaws open, claws out. When he grabs me by the throat and I shift back as I’m slammed into the snow.

“I have been looking for you for five years and now I have you. You little mate are coming with me!” I laugh at him. Mate? He is so fucking delusional. When everything goes black.

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