
Rosa The Wolf Oracle.
Rosa The Wolf Oracle.
Author: Becca Lou

Chapter 1.

Rosa POV.

For five years, I have lived in exile. For five years I have stayed away from my family, and other packs. I can’t be around anyone. I don’t want to hurt anyone. I am not just a werewolf, no I am something else. I have the soul of a very hateful oracle inside of me. Her name is Jadara the Vengeful, and she is evil.

I have not shifted since that day when everything went to shit, too afraid that if I do, Jadara and Cece, my wolf will go on a rampage. So I have shut them both out and have been living off the land away from civilization.

The day plays back in my head. The day I left home; I left my family to go and start my training full time at the settlement at Moonlight Cove. My mate betrayed me and in doing so called on the oracle within to pull the other half of her soul from him, becoming a monster.

Charlie was an orphan, like me. He was abandoned at the orphanage as a baby whereas I was there because my birth parents died in a rogue attack. That is where I found my new family. They took me in and raised me as their own. They never treated me differently and for that, I will always be grateful.

Charlie, however, is a siren and so my mom Gaia, the Wolf Goddess of Hell, took him to Queen Asteria, Queen of the Sirens, to be reunited with his people. When he returned months later, the little five-year-old me was shocked at how fast her best friend had grown and changed. He was an adult. But we were still close. Because he had the other half of the oracle in him.

Then, as time went on, he started to change towards me. A few months before I turned eighteen, he was awful to me, so filled with hate that I didn’t understand why. He told me we were mates and that he would never be mated to an orphaned mutt like me. I ignored him and continued my weekend training in the settlement with Odessa; she is the sister of not only Fate but Karma too.

A few days after I turned eighteen, it was then the shit truly hit the fan. He arrived at the settlement with a pregnant female at his side and they were both marked. This caused the half of the oracle in me to become angry. He rejected me and during the rejection; she took over.

She pulled the other half from him and she was restored, but not only that, she combined with my wolf Cece. Cece is now a hybrid. The sirens use oracles and so technically; she is part siren.

She told us all who she was. She declared that Charlie would be responsible for the deaths of thousands, all because of his betrayal. She forced Cece to try to attack the people in the settlement until I pulled my wolf back. We fled to keep everyone safe.

But Cece had changed. She was no longer the fun loving kind wolf she always was, no. She is now a monster, just like Jadara.

I miss home, but I know this is for the best. I can’t be around anyone. So I rejected my pack, my family, and shut the world out. It is better this way.

I sit at the top of the world in a cave high up in the mountains. Noone knows where I am and that is a good thing. The world below looks so peaceful, but up here, they don’t know of the sacrifices I am making for them all.

Up here I can be free, but what I wouldn’t give for a hot shower and a comfy bed? But living out in the wilderness isn’t always so bad. I hunt, fish, move regularly, especially during the summer months. If I’m lucky, I find abandoned cabins to stay in but never for too long. I wash in streams and lakes. I have become a woman of the wild and I love it.

Grabbing my backpack, I open it and pull out an old sleeping bag I found in one of the abandoned cabins and roll it out next to the campfire I built. Looking up at the stars, I smile, knowing I am keeping everyone I love and care for safe. I can never be reunited with the world because, if I do, then the world will bleed.

I feel movement in my head and close my eyes. They are both trying to break the damn barrier I have created to keep them away from me. A wolf who has not shifted in five years should be weak. But I’m no ordinary wolf.

A headache begins to form and I know it won’t be long before they will successfully break through that barrier and I won’t be able to stop them.

Maybe it is time to talk to them, but not let them take full control. But I’m being a pussy. But then again, we are too far away from people.

I sigh, shaking my head as I roll over and face the fire. The crackle of the wood brings me out of those thoughts as my eyes begin to close. I hear her, Jadara.

“Rosa, we need to talk.” I open my eyes and watch the flames.

“We have nothing to talk about. You have destroyed my life, Jadara. I can’t allow you to do whatever the fuck it is you have planned. So please just stop ok. Please, just stop.” My bottom lip wobbles as I fight back my tears when she sighs.

“It is time you knew the truth about why I am here. Let me forward so I can speak to you properly. I don’t want to do this, Rosa. Please believe me, I never wanted to do this.” I scoff at her. Yeah right. I’m not falling for that bullshit.

“Fine, you leave me no choice.” My back bows and I scream out as I claw at the earth around me when I feel her leave my body and I slump back down and I see her.

The white of her long hair and her eyes, her pale skin, and perfect complexion. She is tall, beautiful, everything I am not. With my red curly hair and green eyes, I’m short, five foot five inches. She smiles at me as she moves closer towards me. I move backwards away from her when she stops.

“I will never harm you Rosa, I have always been a part of you. I’m sorry for everything, but please let me explain why I am here.” She says when I feel Cece in my head and she whines.

“Ok, I’m listening, but don’t make me regret this.” She smiles at me, but it’s a warm smile as she sits down in the dirt and crosses her legs. She watches me and I watch her.

“You only know me as Jadara the Vengeful. I will say that how we met was not my finest hour and I don’t blame you for how you reacted. So for that I apologise. I have been speaking with Cece and we both have come to an agreement that you, Rosa, need to grow a damn backbone and do what you were created to do.” She says, and I narrow my eyes at her.

“Oh really? Well, fuck you and her. I am not going to allow either of you to do what you tried to do all those years ago.” She shakes her head, chuckling to herself.

“You have no choice. The gods brought me back for two reasons. The first was to well to see love and innocence through the eyes of two children. Granted, your starts were anything but that, especially Charlies. But you showed me love and kindness. So I was, for once, at peace, a peace I hadn’t felt for a very long time. So thank you for that.” She says and I sit up and watch her as she gazes from me to the flames. Her eyes eery as I see the flames reflect in her white eyes.

“And the other part?” I ask her and she looks back at me. The look in her eyes sends a shiver down my spine. Why the fuck did I have to ask that?

“Well, the other part is from the gods themselves. Do you know how often the gods hear prayers asking why? Why things were happening to them? Why did their mates hurt them? Why things never went their way? Why they weren’t loved? Why they aren’t good enough?” I shake my head at her words and she looks down.

“Millions, not just supernatural creatures, but humans too. They all ask the same thing. Why aren’t they enough? Why were they cheated on? You get the idea. When the gods brought me back, they told me what I had to do.”

“Which was?”

“To see the love and life through the eyes of two innocents. But if things did not go the way, we hoped. Then I was to become their weapon. I was to punish those who betrayed their mates and partners. I was to be their executioner. The gods can’t intervene directly, so they sent me because of my past, so to speak.”

“What past are you speaking of, Jadara?” I ask, not knowing what the fuck is going on. Either way, I don’t think I’m going to like where this is going.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
I'm glad this book is finally out. I've been waiting to read it and I know it's going to be as good as the rest of your books. You're an amazing writer.

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