
Chapter 2

Cassandra’s POV

There is a screeching sound and I turn to the stage just as the principal starts speaking, “Welcome graduating class of 2023 and well-wishers. We are delighted to see such cheerful faces and graduation gowns, congratulations on making it this far,” the hall erupts in applause and she smiles, “Without further ado, I will like to introduce our guest speaker, Aidan, he will be standing in for our Alpha.”

We start clapping again and I look around so I can get a glimpse of Aidan as he walks towards the stage. He is the Alpha’s son and the most sort after bachelor in the pack, even I was not immune to his charm. I have always had a bit of a crush on him though I doubt he would ever notice me. Someone as handsome, talented, and highly placed as him could never know about a nobody like me. Parker thinks my crush on him is deranged.

I catch sight of him as he passes the row where I am seated and I breathe in his heavenly scent of pine wood and musk, for some reason today it is more intense and I feel a shiver run up my spine as he passes. Aidan stops just as he passes my row and I watch his shoulders stiffen; I immediately duck my head when he turns around so our eyes don’t meet. Another second and his scent become faint telling me he has moved on.

Parker tuts beside me, “He wasn’t even looking directly at you. How are you ever going to be confident at this rate,” he tucks my hair behind my ear and gives me a small smile.

I stick my tongue out at him, “You can say that because everybody drools over you. You don’t know what it’s like to not have your feelings reciprocated.”

He frowns at me, “That has nothing to do with being confident.”

“Shhh! He is talking,” I place my finger on Parker’s lips as Aidan takes the stage from the principal. All six feet of handsomeness stand gloriously on the stage, “If only the moon goddess would do me this one favor. Aidan as my mate will be a dream come true,” I say and Parker scoffs.

Aidan smiles at the crowd and seems to look over everyone, his eyes fleet over me but then they stop and look back at me. The shivers I felt before hit me again this time more like an electric bolt, “Mate,” he growls out loud at the same time I mumble mine. He holds my gaze for some seconds more before tearing his eyes away from mine.

“What the actual…”

“Shush!” I slap my hand on Parker’s mouth as Aidan starts talking, his calm composure is back and he is smiling at the crowd again but he is not looking my way at all. The crowd though are more interested in what he said earlier, everyone is whispering and I know what they are talking about. Aidan’s mate is in our class.

Aidan avoids my gaze for the rest of his speech and after that, he leaves immediately. I also can’t seem to keep still; I feel multiple emotions at once, fear, elation, and anxiety. To think that the moon goddess actually did me a solid, damn! 

After the event Parker and I follow the crowd out of the hall for the customary picture in front of the school. Students around me are speculating on who Aidan’s mate is as they gather for the picture.

“It’s Tracy, he kept glancing at her during his speech,” one girl says in front of me, “Well she is pretty smart and one of the prettiest girls at our school.”

Her gossip partner seems to consider it, “So that would mean Tracy and Harry’s relationship is over, man I was rooting for them.”

“It’s an upgrade if you ask me, she is going to be the Luna,” the girl says, and the other one nods.

I bite my lip to stop myself from saying something is shouldn’t but the girls are standing in my way, “Excuse me,” I finally say after a while of contemplation. The two girls turn to me and when they realize it is me their faces morph into sneers.

“Just go around us loser,” one of them says and I flinch.

“It would be easier to just cut through…I…” I feebly point at the front position meant for short people.

“Man, you are so annoying! Fine move out of the way,” the other shoulders past me and I stumble to the front. Adjusting my gown, I position myself at the edge of the crowd, far enough for no one to notice me but close enough not to get cut out of the picture. I spot Parker at the back smiling with some football players and sigh, I can’t have him fight all my battles some of them I should handle on my own.


It’s the next day and no sign of Aidan or any message from the Alpha, aren’t they supposed to reach out or something or should I be the one doing the reaching out. I’m not sure what to do!!

“Cassandra honey, what are you doing looking out the window like that?” I hear my grandma’s voice and turns to see her giving me a scrutinizing look with her hands on her waist.

“She has been doing that all day,” my grandfather walks in a small smile on his face, “Come on, dinner is ready. I made your favorite.”

I grudgingly follow them knowing my grandmother would insist on knowing why if I remain at the window. I’m not ready to tell them yet especially since the mate in question has made no attempt to reach out to me. Maybe he has a valid reason, he could be busy from all his duties or might be shy. The thought of handsome Aidan being shy makes me chuckle.

“Now she is laughing to herself. Something is definitely going on,” my grandmother says her eyes roving my face. The woman never gives up.

“Ah let her be Lia, who said you can’t be young and happy,” my grandfather defends and winks at me. I reply with a smile.

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