
Chapter 5

When I wake up Parker is gone, I sit up and rub my tired eyes. I am not motivated to do anything today and I sigh knowing I am going to have to tell my grandparents the bad news, grandma would be so broken she had always enjoyed talking about how many great grandkids she expected from me once I found my mate.

Forcing myself out of bed I head downstairs, I am at the final step when there is a knock on the door, “Cassandra honey if that is you get the door,” my grandma calls from the kitchen and I trudge to the door. I open it to see two serious looking men bearing down on me.

“Can I help you?” I say suddenly feeling intimidated under their glares.

“Cassandra Collins?” one of the men asks and I nod, “Your presence is needed in relation to your mate, Aidan,” he tells me and I hear a gasp behind me.

I turn to see my grandmother behind me her eyes as wide as saucers, “You are mated to the Alpha’s son?” she asks with glee, “Oh this is wonderful news,” she gushes but no one shares her sentiment.

I turn back to the men, “What is this about? I don’t want to see Aidan ever again; his words are still cutting at my heart.

The men hesitate, “I would advise you follow us and find out yourself,” one of them tells me and my eyes narrow at them. Something is off this isn’t Aidan coming to get me this is something else.

So, after asking the men to give me some time I quickly freshen up and follow them to their car while my grandparents look on in surprise.


Aidan’s POV

I wake up with a serious hangover and the ringing of my phone is only making it worse. I pick it up groggily and sit up when I see the caller ID, “Is it done?” I ask immediately after picking. The person replies in the affirmative and the line goes dead.

The soft mumbling beside draws my attention to the woman beside me, Nessa always manages to mesmerize me with her beauty no matter how many times I see her. I smile at her sleeping form, “I’m doing this for both of us love,” I whisper and wrap my arm around her waist, she responds by cuddling into me. Her eyes open slowly and she smiles but I see the guilt hidden in them, soon we wouldn’t have to hide behind closed doors. Reaching down I cover her mouth with mine and let my hands roam down her body.


Cassandra’s POV

I am led into the Alpha’s office where he and some other men are gathered, I stop at the door at their stern expressions. Something is definitely wrong.

One of the men pushes me into the room from behind and shuts the door, what the hell is this?

“Cassandra Collins?” the Alpha ask me and I nod slowly, I have only ever seen from afar during speeches or events, up close he is very intimidating especially since he seems intent on glaring holes into me.

The Alpha drops some pictures on the table and gestures for me to look at them, I walk closer despite common sense telling me to run for the hills, the other men seem to be watching my every move with disapproval. I pick up the pictures on the desk and gasp.

“Wh…what is this,” I manage to get out but I only receive grunts of disapproval.

“That is what we would like to know,” the Alpha tells me. These are pictures of Parker and I in very compromising positions last night, we are cuddling and there are pictures of him in kissing me. But I don’t remember him kissing me last night, Parker would never do that.

“More distressing is the fact that I also find out that you are my son’s mate,” the Alpha says his anger slapping me in the face, “Infidelity is a serious crime Cassandra Collins,” the way he spits my name out like it is poison.

“N…no…no this never happened,” I try to defend myself, “These pictures are doctored.”

“Are you sure,” one of the men asks, “Your infidel partner has already confessed.”

The words hit me with the weight of a bull dozer, Parker should have nothing to confess to, “We lay in the same bed last night, yes, but nothing happened. He is my best friend, it was simply platonic,” I try to explain but they only look on with disdain. They don’t believe me.

 The door opens and Aidan walks in, he looks distraught and angry. He pins me to my position with a glare, “Your friend confessed already, stop lying.”

“What the hell is this?!” I suddenly yell, my heart is beating fast now and I am not sure how or what to say anymore it feels like I have been condemned before I even walked through the doors, “I didn’t do it! These are fake,” I throw the pictures back on the desk and head for the door. I just need to find Parker, he would never confess to what never happened.

Aidan steps in front of me and I have to force my legs into a halt so I don’t collide into him, up close I feel the full brunt of his hatred, he looks at me like I am the most disgusting thing he has ever come across, “I Aidan of the TriMoon pack and next in line as the Alpha of the pack, I hereby reject you Cassandra on the grounds of infidelity, I want nothing to do with a loose woman like you.”

The effect is immediate, searing pain floods my chest and fall to the ground, the corners of my vision turning black from pain. I can barely breath but I hear Aidan calling for guards, “Get this infidel out of my sight!” he orders and I feel arms lift me up but I am not sure were to. I can barely think straight with the pain flooding through my whole body, it feels like my heart has been ripped out and stomped on.

In the haze of my pain I catch sight of Parker stepping out of a room, his head bowed, “Parker,” I mutter weakly and he looks up, the guilt on his face confirms what the men said in there to be true. He immediately looks down and I feel tears flood my eyes, it feels like I have lost my whole world.

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