
Chapter 4

Cassandra’s POV

I am fortunately spared from their questions; they would pick up immediately that something was wrong and bug me about it till I tell them. I can imagine how heartbroken they would look when I tell them what happened.

I stop at the door and turn to Parker, “Thank you, you should go home now I don’t want your parents getting worried.”

Parker replies by closing the door behind him, “I already sent my dad a text that I am staying the night,” I look at him in surprise and he shrugs, “You need me, I can’t leave you alone by yourself tonight.”

The sincerity on his face forces the first tear out and before I know it I am a crying mess, “Thank you,” I say between sobs and Parker tries to get me to calm down but it’s like a dam broke as the pain washes over me in waves. Parker immediately leads me to my room so I don’t wake up my grandparents.

“I…I…can’t believe he said that,” I sob and Parker wraps his arms around me, we just stand in the middle of my room as I cry and curse Aidan to hell and back, “I hope the girl gives him herpes, the type he would never recover from.”

Parker chuckles his hand rubbing soothing circles on my back, “Sounds fitting, but you should know that girl was Vanessa, daughter of the LunaMoon Alpha. She and Parker have been close since childhood,”

I remove myself from his hold, “So he leaves me because he is in love with his best friend, fantastic,” I plop on my bed with a sigh.

“No, what I am trying to get at is that this seems more like a political play than anything. Everyone knows that Vanessa lost her mate to a rogue attack last year, her father must be scouting for a fitting mate for her,” Parker tells me as he joins me on my bed.

“So, Aidan was forced?” I ask hopefully then I remember his words and tears fill my eyes again.

Parker gives me a sympathetic look, “Sounds like he wants it just as much as Vanessa’s dad does.”

“Right,” I mumble, “I am going to sleep now,” I tell him crawling into bed. I don’t bother taking of my cloths and just snuggle under the covers, Parker knows where the guest room is and I hear him get up and head for the door.

“Parker,” I find myself calling out to him and his footsteps stop, “Don’t go, please,” I turn to him and see the conflict in his face, “I need you,” I plead tears already pouring out my eyes again. Parker sighs and closes the already open door, he switches the lights off and crawls into bed with me.

“Thank you,” I tell him as I snuggle into him, he feels secure and safe the perfect solution to my vulnerable state, “You know my grandparents always hoped that we would end up as mates. They would be so devastated when they find out,” I mumble sleepily and yawn.

Parker chuckles, “Mine too, sleep Dria give your head a break,” he starts stroking my hair which lulls me to sleep immediately.


Parker’s POV

Bastard, asshole, more words to describe Aidan pop up in my head but I doubt that would change anything. What I really want to do is punch him straight in the guts, something that would make him feel double of the pain Dria is feeling right now. 

Her levelled breathing tells me she is asleep but I don’t get up, I continue stroking her hair. Everyone thinks my loyalty to Dria is based on our friendship but I have always felt something more, from the very first day I met her. Awkward and unable to make any friends in school, I have felt strongly about her and I have always had the strong urge to protect her even though she tries not to burden me with her problems, but I have never seen it as a burden.

I have never put these feelings into actual words, giving it a name makes it seem shallow almost unreal. But these feelings are more real to me than she would ever realize, more real than the bond I could ever share with my mate. And it scares me, the thought of being so attached to someone who isn’t fated for you so I bottle it all down and hide them from even myself because if it ever got out I’m not sure I can deal the consequences or if Dria could handle the effect too.

If she ever found out she would probably feel guilty and blame herself for leading me on, she would try to be there for me which I know she cannot do, she cannot reciprocate my feelings which is what I want more than anything in the world. I shake my head unconsciously, I could never subject her to that torture someone as pure as Dria deserves to be happy not burdened by my unnamed emotions.

She moves in her sleep and I tighten my hold on her, “You know, more than my parents I wished you would be my mate too,” I whisper to her sleeping form, “I used to pray to the moon goddess every night for you.”

She responds with quiet mumbling, “Aidan,” she moans and I look down at her, she has a slight frown on her face which I reach down and smoothing out with my thumb. She deserves so much better, for a second I let myself imagine we were the ones who found ourselves yesterday during graduation, I imagine her eyes lighting up like I always believed it would when we realize we were mates and our parents’ and grandparents’ elation at the news. For a second I imagine this is us cuddling after a night of celebration from the news and I reach down and peck her on the lips, she moans under the pressure of my lips and deepen the kiss ever so slightly before finally pulling away.

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