
Chapter 005.

Kira's POV.

As I stood at the burial ground, rain mingling with my tears, I watched my Master being lowered into the ground. He was gone, and with him, I buried a part of me too.

Even though he was six feet down the ground now, I could not stop tearing up, almost everyone was. As I cried, I could feel the weight of the hateful glances from my Master's family but I don't really care. I knew they hated me, this was the reason he always kept me away from them.

I stood there listening to whoever it was that was giving his last speech about Mr. Jones. Dressed in black clothes, I kept my gaze fixed on the place where he lay, he was truly gone.

Finally, the burial ended and I remained at the cemetery to drop my last words to him since I didn’t want anyone to be there while I did so.

Returning to the mansion, I was met with an unbelievable scene right outside the house. Mr. Jones's daughters had already thrown my belongings out, scattering them on the ground like discarded toys. It was like they had all planned that immediately after the burial they could throw me out. I wasn’t the only one; the concubines were fighting amongst themselves as they kept screaming at each other to leave the mansion for the other.

"And you, what are you waiting for, pick your belongings and get the fuck out!" One of the daughters ordered sharply but I stood there watching them.

"What are you still doing here?" one of Mr. Jones's daughters sneered, her voice dripping with contempt. "You've outlived your usefulness. Get out of our home."

I didn't lay meaning to her words nor did I give any response, instead I chose to remain silent.

"She's probably the reason Dad's dead!" another daughter spat, her eyes blazing with anger.

"He never should have brought her into our home, I heard she's his favorite, she must be a good fuck." One of Jones’s sons said, his eyes seizing me up.

I felt the sting of their words, but I refused to let it show on the surface. Inside, I was burning but I held my tongue, it was better that way. I was grieving after all

"You need to leave! I heard that Dad died because of you!!" The man added. I sneered and was about to give a bitter response when someone spoke from behind me.

"It's not her fault," a voice interjected, and I turned only to see Mr. Jones's lawyer approaching. "And she has every right to be here."

Everyone fell silent when they saw him, they all composed themselves as one spoke,

"Welcome Mr. James, we weren't expecting you so soon." One of the girls said with a bright and innocent smile but I could see through that.

The lawyer ignored her and continued, "I don't have much time to waste as you all know I'm very busy so I'll go straight to the point..." He paused and waited for someone to lead him into the mansion. Everyone seemed to not understand, so I led the way and offered him a seat. He sat down and opened his suitcase.

Everyone went silent because they knew what was coming next, " If any of you wants to question this will, feel free to go to the court, don't start your argument with me or I'll make you all regret it," Attorney James warned with a deadly glare and I know he meant every word, he wasn't something to be played with.

He cleared his throat before he continued, "Here goes the Will by Mr. Jones Draco on the 15th of May 20XX…

I, Jones Draco, appointed Kira Wells as the new owner of Draco Empire. She will also be in charge of all my businesses, estate, and properties here in North Atlanta, in Japan, New York, and the Philippines. She will also be the new Don of the mafia because she will make a fine boss and I've seen qualities in her that I haven't seen in anyone before…”

When the lawyer was done, everyone’s mouth hung in shock. The shock and disbelief on their faces were evident as they struggled to come to terms with the new development and I struggled to hold my smirk.

“What’s the meaning of this rubbish?” One of the sons asked, “Attorney James, you could already tell that this is made up! There is nothing for us, not even a car!” his voice sounded like he would cry any minute.

“Like I said earlier, if you have any issue with the will, we can meet in court as I would be there to defend my client, Kira Wells”

I almost chuckled as I watched their faces filled with horror. They had expected to inherit everything, but now they were faced with the reality. I, a mere concubine, held the keys to their future.

"You can't be serious, sir," one of the daughters exclaimed, her voice tinged with desperation. "That's our inheritance! Father can't do that! She's a mere pleasure thing for him! This can't happen!!"

"It was your father’s updated will before his death so I hope you all can understand," the lawyer replied calmly, stood up, and gave me a firm look before walking out.

"You!" One of the daughters flew into a rage, pointing an accusing finger at me, "You despicable evil woman! What have you done?!"

"She's evil, she can't be the heir! She's a nobody!" Another chirped in but I just stared at them without saying a word. I was expecting this, it was all part of the procedure.

I took in a deep sigh and murmured, "Excuse me," before retreating into the mansion, their voices rising in anger and accusation followed me till I entered the elevator.

I returned a few moments later, and they all saw me and were shocked. The Kira that left my room a while ago is now completely different from the one that came out now.

Standing in front of my haters was a lady who was once dressed in a black big gown now dressed in white tight trousers and a blue crop top. My hair was now neatly packed and my lips were red as I had applied lipstick. In my left hand was a gun

The room fell silent as all eyes turned to me, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief... Well, I expected that. I'm supposed to be mourning my master but I think I've mourned him enough, the man died a few weeks ago.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" One of the sons flared coming towards me but I cocked my gun and point it directly at his heart,

"One more step and my bullet would make love to your dark heart."

He stood dead on his track, his hands raised up in surrender. I surveyed each and every one of them with cold eyes before I began,

"Good, thank you all for being such a good family member..." I paused then continued,

"If anyone wants to live in my house," I declared, my voice cutting through the tense air, "they will learn to respect me and abide by my rules. Otherwise, they can find themselves out on the street, either stay and live by my rules or get the fuck out of my Villa."

A murmur of disbelief rippled through the crowd, but I paid it no mind. I held their gaze, my eyes burning with defiance, daring anyone to challenge me but I know no one would dare... In this world according to Jones, the one who held the gun rules, and currently, I do!

Some of the family members cowered under my gaze but there were still some of them that looked at me defiantly. Not that I cared anyway.

"You can't do this," one of them spat, his voice trembling with rage. "You're nothing but a concubine. You have no right to--"

But before he could finish his stupid sentence, I seized control of the moment. With a swift, decisive motion, I raised the gun toward the window and fired. The deafening sound echoed through the air and some of the family members immediately moved away from me, creating a space between us.

"If anyone has a problem with my rule ," I said, my voice cold and hard, "they can take it up with me. But they better be prepared to face the consequences."

The family members exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to respond to me. Some of them backed away slowly while those stubborn ones still looked at me with contempt but they should know by now that I'm past caring. Some of them know that I hardly miss my target, I have a good aim.

Even with the whole drama, there was this man who never took his gaze from me. He had also given a speech at the burial today so I expect him to be one of the sons of course.

"This isn't over, Kira." One of the big men huffed, taking my gaze off the man who locked gaze with me without cowering like the rest of them.

The idiot let out a cuss before leaving the house angrily, some of the family members turned and stormed out of the mansion too, their threats ringing in the air.


I looked at the remaining ones staying and waved them away to their rooms... I'm just trying to keep my enemies closer.

I let out a breathy chuckle and was about to turn and leave when I paused to meet the man’s gaze again. He had been watching me throughout the whole drama without saying anything... I thought he left with the rest or was he a bodyguard I mistook for Mr. Jones' family?

Without hesitation, I strode purposefully toward him, my gaze fixed on the figure across the room. He exuded an aura of rugged pull, his features chiseled and his physique undeniably captivating. There was a raw edge to him, a hardness in his gaze that spoke of different experiences, and his eyes looked cold too... Just how I like my men.

"Who are you?" I demanded, my voice sharp with suspicion.

The man's cold gaze bore into mine, his expression unreadable. "I'm Ashton Jones, the first son of late Mr. Jones and the heir to the empire you usurp," he replied calmly.

Surprise shot through me at his introduction but I didn't let it show on my face. "You're welcome to stay if you like," I said, my voice dripping with warning. "But if you make any trouble, I'll make sure you regret it, Mr. Ashton."

Ashton's lips curved into a smirk, his eyes glinting with amusement. "I'm not one to be intimidated easily, Ms. Kira," he replied, his voice laced with confidence.

I felt some kind of unease at his words, but I pushed it aside, refusing to show any sign of weakness to him. Instead, I met his gaze head-on, my own eyes burning with defiance.

"We'll see about that Mr. Ashton," I said, my voice cold and hard.

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