
Chapter 006: Kira.

Ashton's POV.

Kira. Kira. Kira.

That name echoed in my mind like a curse, a symbol of everything I despised. She had swooped in like a hawk, seizing control of everything my family had in a blink of an eye. But I refused to let her dominance go unchallenged.

I don't know how she managed to achieve all she had done alone but I would not allow her to enjoy her victory. She just can't.

She came out of nowhere and usurped everything, the whole empire was now under her rule, there was nothing left for us... Nothing left for the family.

I paced the lavish room, my thoughts swirling with anger and confusion. How had she managed to manipulate Mr. Jones into handing over his empire? He was no weakling, he wasn't a man to be controlled by a woman, yet somehow she had twisted him around her finger.

"Father's death was suspicious, Ash," Mia, or was it Maya, mused, her voice dripping with venom. "I don't buy this 'natural causes' nonsense the doctors are saying. That woman, Kira, she must have had a hand in it."

"You should not assume things, Mia." I cautioned, my tone firm. We're in Kira's world now and she must have ears everywhere so one has to be very careful.

"It's Maya," she snapped, downing her wine with a flick of her wrist. "And you should remember your sister's name."

"Oh..." I blinked, momentarily taken aback. With Mr. Jones' complicated web of relationships, keeping track of names was a Herculean task.

One wouldn't blame me for not remembering names, Mr. Jones had numerous affairs which led to children, my late mother was the only woman legally married to him, it was hard trying to keep names of all the children, I don't even know the numbers. I guess Mr. Jones never really cared about how many offsprings he had, he was wealthy enough to take care of a nation.

But that woman had taken everything!

Well, she might have taken everything for now, but her reign wouldn't last. I refused to bend to her will, to be another pawn in her devilish game. No, I would carve my own path, one that didn't bow to the whims of a woman.

"Power... That woman is drunk on power," I muttered under my breath.

"Ashton!" A deep masculine voice called before the door was opened. I turned slowly to look at the intruder and I saw my angry step brother. I scanned his face knowing full well the source of his anger...Kira.

"Why are you back, Lance? I thought you left?" I inquired calmly, taking a seat.

"That woman! That fucking venomous bitch!" Lance growled, his teeth gritted with rage, unable to articulate anything further.

"Here, big brother, have some wine," Maya offered, attempting to diffuse the tension as she extended a glass towards him. But before she could blink, he snatched the glass and hurled it to the ground, shattering it into a thousand pieces.

"Well, there goes a good wine," I remarked dryly, relaxing in my seat to observe his display of anger. Lance had always struggled to contain his temper, a flaw that often landed him in trouble, yet he never seemed to learn from his mistakes.

"What happened?" Maya inquired, her voice tinged with concern.

"What hasn't happened! That dark demon has taken control over everything, including my mansion!" Lance roared, his frustration palpable as he angrily kicked the nearest chair.

I scoffed inwardly, finding his surprise somewhat naive. With Kira's iron grip on the family's assets, it was no shock that she had claimed even Lance's prized possession. Most family members remained oblivious to her machinations, but I knew that those who had fled would eventually return, most of them.

Kira held all the cards now; she controlled everything, Mr. Jones never thought he would die such a sudden death and most of his children were all depending on him.

"He froze all the accounts!" Lance seethed, his voice trembling with fury.

It would be difficult for all the family to survive now. If they want to survive, they would have to bow to Kira's rule. She's the new queen... Not mine though, I hate that woman with every fiber in me. She's smart, cunning and plays a very dangerous game.

"I'm gonna kill that bitch once and for all, we have to end this shit!" Lance's rage boiled over, his eyes blazing with a primal intensity. Turning to me, he unleashed his pent-up frustration. "And you! You're such a coward! Allowing a woman to strip everything away from our family. You're the first son, but you're utterly useless. You're a disgrace, Ashton!" His words cut deep, slicing through the veneer of composure I struggled to maintain but I just gave him a grin. Replying to the man was just gonna be a waste of time.

"I'm gonna kill her, fuck this!" Lance fumed.

"And how would you do that?" The familiar, powerful female voice sliced through the air, causing all heads to turn towards her.

Kira. The new viper in our world but not for long, I won't allow her reign for long.

She stood by the door, a commanding presence emanating from her. Clad in a sleek, form-fitting leather jacket, it hugs her curves with an air of confidence.

"I'm here now. I heard you mention killing?" she inquired, advancing towards us with purpose. Her combat boots clicked against the floor with each stride.

Each movement she made seemed to exude both grace and power, her body language a testament to her mastery of elegance and danger. I couldn't help but despise her for all the chaos she had caused.

Her hair was swept back into a tight bun, revealing the sharp angles of her face. The dark makeup adorning her eyes added an air of mystery, drawing attention to the intensity of her gaze. They flickered with a hint of amusement, a silent challenge to anyone who dared to underestimate her.

She came to a halt in front of Lance and taunted, "Cat got your tongue?"

The smirk that played on her lips was infuriating. It danced like a flicker of flame, teasing and taunting, daring anyone to question her authority.

Without hesitation, Lance reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a gun, pointing it squarely at her chest.

"You think you're untouchable, don't you?" he snarled, his voice trembling with rage. "Well, I've had enough of your games, Kira. It ends now."

I immediately stood up in shock as I watched the scene, "Lance!" I called but the man didn't spare me a glance.

Kira, however, remained remarkably composed. Her gaze never wavered as she stared down the barrel of the gun, a hint of amusement still lingering in her eyes.

"You end now!" He declared proudly.

"Is that so, Lance?" she replied, her voice cool and collected. "Do you really think you can kill me?"

Before anyone could react, Kira moved with lightning speed, disarming Lance with a swift kick that sent the gun flying across the room. In the blink of an eye, she had him pinned against the wall, her hand pressing firmly against his throat.

How the fuck was she so fast?!

"You're not the first to try, little boy, and you won't be the last," she whispered, her voice low and menacing. "But remember this, Lance: I always come out on top."

With a flick of her wrist, she released him, letting him stumble backward, gasping for air. I could see fear in his eyes. The room fell silent, the tension in the room thick.

"As I've said before, you're welcome to stay but if you cause any trouble, I'm gonna end you swiftly. Bye guys, I have some fun to catch."

And with that, Kira turned on her heel, her leather jacket swirling around her, as she strode out of the room without a backward glance.

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