
A face off with Killers

Vera's POV

What!? I was spared! We can live! I yelled at Viola, my wolf, but she whimpered sorrowfully. My happiness vanished immediately as realisation dawned on me. I was dragged out of my house and now I belong to no pack. I knew no other pack apart from the Shifters Pack where I grew up. Does that mean I just become a wolf without a pack? I just became a rogue wolf! My heart pounded in my chest.

I didn't know the ways of the rogues. All I knew was that they lurk around in the woods and they are saboteurs. 

Tears cascaded down my face as I made my way sluggishly out of the Pack mansion. I took a last look behind me and all that I had lost dazzled through my mind. "One day I will return and I will surely recover all that I had lost. I will avenge my parents and crush all those who crushed us," I muttered.

"The chest!" I almost forgot. "I have to take it with me!" I turned around and rushed back to my cottage.

I burst in and grabbed the chest. I smashed it angrily on the ground, but it didn't break. Curious about what was inside, I decided to carry it with me. 

The cottage was at the extreme end of the pack and since I had no destination, I jumped into the nearby vegetation and found my way into the woods.


The day was gradually receding and I was hungry. I had gathered some wild fruits during the day. I feasted on them and got myself a drink from the brooks beside me. 

I had decided to stay closer to the brooks. I can survive without food but without water, I wouldn't last long. 

To my dismay, I soon realised that my choice was wrong. The brooks attracted other wolves, who also came to get some drinks.

I lay low in the shadows as I saw a few wolves approach the brooks. They lapped up some water and were on their way. 

I was sure that they were rogues too but unlike me, they weren't new. 

"Should I just join them?" I contemplated until they vanished out of sight. 

Not long after they had left, another set of wolves stole into the darkness. They were two. They did not look interested in the waters. Rather, they looked around stealthily like they were in search of something.

"I am sure this was her stop. I saw her here, I can still perceive her scent. If she isn't here, it means she just left," one of the wolves mind-linked the other and surprisingly, I heard it!

These weren't rogue wolves, they were from the Shifters Pack-my Pack, that was why I could connect to their links.

"We have to hurry and get the job done… she couldn't have gone far," the second one responded and they sniffed the air, walking closer to my hideout.

They are here for me! They want to kill me! Who sent them? Alpha Simpson? If he wanted to get rid of me, he would have ordered my execution without going through any troubles. Is it Blake? My heart throbbed at the thought and I clenched my fists.

This is not the time for this. My attackers were getting closer by the second and I had to flee! Without hesitation, I jumped out of my hideout and went for the run. 

I was right! They leapt at me from behind and they were in a hot chase. After running for a while, I needed no one to tell me that I couldn't beat them in my human form. It was night already, my sight was limited and I couldn't run fast. On the move, I shifted into my wolf and pranced into the dark.

After running nonstop, I realised my pursuers were gone. I stopped and looked around the woods cautiously, wishing I could conceal my scent. "I have to live," I hummed repeatedly as I trod carefully.

I took a detour and I caught one of them unawares. He was taking slow steps around, looking for me. This was my opportunity and I had to go for it. I dropped the chest that I was holding and pounced at him from behind.

My fangs located the crook of his neck and I buried them deep inside him. With an angry and loud snap, I clamped my fangs shut and geared my head backwards.

Blood splattered and a great cry reverberated through the woods. He gnashed his fangs in pain, his eyes sunk into his enormous head and he geared it back and forth, pushing me with a dangerous force.

I landed on my back with my four limbs in the air. I had dealt him a lethal strike and he wouldn't go down alone. In his wake, he approached me like a rabid dog, aiming for my head. 

A gust of wind blew in my direction as he rushed my way. It took a while for me to rise, but I was right on time. I intercepted his strike with my arm and he bit deep into it. His paw landed on my face and with a powerful strike, his claws cut through my face.

I shrieked in pain, howling out loud. Blood dripped from my arm and face, I couldn't even breathe well.

I had become a prey, I wouldn't make it, I knew it. My vision became cloudy and I saw him raise his other paw, he was going to hit me again. Luckily, he stopped and staggered backwards. He fell without warning and every movement became still.

Thank goodness, thank goodness, I sighed in relief, but my freedom didn't last. Just as I remembered that my attackers were two, I began to feel the presence of the second wolf. He pounced in from nowhere and whimpered as he saw the dead body of the other wolf. I wasn't sure if he saw me or not, he growled aloud at the sight and pounced away.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and breathed unevenly. "I am still alive, we are still alive…" I breathed.

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