
Another Mate

Vera's POV

Slowly, I rose on my feet and began to sway away. My route was in the paths within the woods, now that I knew that they were after my life, I couldn't be more cautious.

The chest! I dropped it when I wanted to attack the wolf earlier. I can't leave it behind, I must get it! 

I looked behind me with determination. Turning around, I began to drag myself back. With each step, I felt weaker and my vision became more blurry, my bleeding wouldn't stop either. It wasn't an easy choice but I had to do it. 

Luckily, I found the chest. It was lying just a few inches from the body of the wolf that I had killed earlier. 

I flipped it up and my heart skipped a beat. It was cracked open and empty! This can't be!" I lamented looking around for the unknown contents. I was sure that it wasn't empty when I found it in my father's bedroom.

No! I yelled out loud and stormed about as I began a search for it. Not too far from the chest, I saw a stack of neatly folded papers. I found you! My heart was merry as I went for it. I was almost approaching the spot when my gait failed. I lost my footing and staggered around. I still tried to maintain my balance. But it was of no use. I staggered slowly until I hit the ground. Still determined to get the papers, I pushed myself until I got the papers. I clutched them in my hands but I had pushed myself too much. My consciousness started to recede until it all went dark. 


A stream of white light coursed into my eyes as my eyes flickered open. I shut my eyes immediately, trying to adjust to the light. 

I was in my human form and I was lying on something comfy. Unlike what I remembered, I fell into the dark woods and on the hard ground. My ears caught the sounds of people speaking and I flicked my eyes open in fear! They must have caught me when I went back for the chest. The papers! I groaned and sprang up from the bed.

A wave of raw pain tethered through my arm and I squirmed in pain as I bounced back onto the bed. That was when I realised that my arm was cuffed against the edge of the bed!

The bleeding on my wounded arm had stopped and a piece of white cloth was wrapped around it.

My face felt like hell. The cuts on it were more brutal but they had already been treated too. I could feel the shadows of the patches of small bandages used to cover the cuts. 

Who are they? Why did they treat me? They did not seem to be my killers, else I would be dead already. But which type of assailant would treat my wounds and still cuff me up?

Slowly and cautiously, I glanced into the eyes of those around me. 

They had stopped talking and they were looking intently at me. They didn't look like members of my pack and instantly, I knew that I wasn't back in my pack. I didn't know if I should be excited or not, but it felt good knowing that I had escaped from my pack.

"Where is she!?" Someone thundered from outside, and I felt chilly. The voice dripped with authority and horror. Those who were standing with me bowed their heads and waited.

I didn't realise that I had also bowed my head until I tried to take a look as heavy footsteps walked into the room. 

The ambience changed immediately. Everyone tensed up like a god had arrived. I couldn't even lift my head. I just remained there waiting for my fate.

"Long live! Alpha Joash!" They hailed and I froze. Alpha Joash!? I almost dropped dead and I wish I was dead already! 

Alpha Joash was a notorious and ruthless Alpha. Every other pack in the city always trembled at his feet. He was the brother of the city's Alpha King. He broke out from the royal family to start his pack and even his brother, the Alpha King used to quiver in his presence.

"You!" He fired and my lips went dry. 

Some papers flew in my direction and I launched forward, to pick them up. I did not know why I did that but I did.

Although my arm was cuffed, it still allowed some movement. Slowly, I unfolded the papers and I gasped as I beheld my father's handwriting. They were the pieces of paper that I was trying to save before I blacked out.

Fidgeting, I quickly unfolded the letter. I gasped in horror and my face contorted as I read through. The content of the letter was not what I expected! It was a proof of my father's betrayal. 

I shook my head slowly with tears cascading my face. I remembered when my mother shook her head, implying that they were innocent. Groaning, I shovelled the papers away from me. "No! It's all a lie! Father wouldn't do this!" I cried out.

Someone grabbed the papers away from me as heavy footsteps approached my bed. An iron-like grip grabbed my chin and lifted my head, with a deadly glare he said, "What do I do to the daughter of a traitor who escaped alive? My men got those papers from you. You were trying to hide them… You and your father must have been in it together," he said and I whimpered, his aura was killing, adding to my delirium.

"I should send you back to the Shifters Pack, your Alpha will tear you up limb by limb after seeing the evidence," Alpha Joash uttered coldly with a deadly ease.

He held my neck in place and he was staring down at me. I couldn't talk. Sweat dripped from my body and I quaked. I was afraid beyond measure. Something about his darkened blue eyes melted into my soul, shaking me up even deeper. I jerked my face away from his grip and he smote my face angrily.

Pain smothered my body, reminding me that my face was badly hurt already and he just bruised me again. Viola whimpered in pain as he gripped my face mercilessly again.

"Take her to the cell room!" Alpha Joash ordered and jerked my chin away from his hold.

"Mate!" Viola mubbled without mincing and I turned white as they uncuffed me.

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