
Curt 19


   I slowly unwrap myself from Shelby's sleeping form. I cover her with the blanket and press a quick kiss to her forehead. She didn't even finish the movie before passing out on me. 

  If I didn't have to blow out the candles and put away the leftovers, I wouldn't be leaving her side. But the last thing I need is a fire. I look down at my sleeping beauty one last time. 

  She really surprised me tonight. I've never seen her this dolled up. The dress she chose looks perfect on her. Her hair is usually up, so I forget just how long it is. She looks like an angel—my own personal slice of heaven. 

  I clean up as quietly as I can. I place leftovers in the fridge and the rest of her Twix in a ziplock baggie. I place her flowers in my tallest glass I have because I don't own a vase. When I'm finished, I return to the couch, and my brain freezes. 

  The couch isn't large enough for us both

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