
You lost weight

In the afternoon, "Safe travel, darling," Grandma hugged me tightly for one more time. She drove me to the train station with my munchkin on his baby seat at the back of the car. "Be good to Grandma, okay?" I kissed him before I pulled my small suitcase from the side. "I'll be back soon, grandma," I told her and she ensured she will take good care of Louie which I'm complacent that she will.

Aira was informed ahead of time of the details of my arrival in Los Angeles. While on my trip, I kept on messaging her on the condition of Hailey but still, she's not awake. I was tempted to open the news portal of California because certainly, the accident of Hailey was reported. Of course, Hailey's identity was exposed and Hunter is one of the infamous businessmen. 

I contemplated for a moment but held myself not to because I'm afraid I could see an article connected with Davis. I didn't want to bother my emotion on whatever that I may happen to read about them. That time I

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