
Chapter eighty-one

Layla's POV

I didn't hear anything about everything though, just the important things.

I would be very honest here, I was scared, absolutely terrified by that note in Ethan's voice. It carried so much emotion, so much menace, one wouldn't dare go against Ethan in this mood and it made me feel like all I had done to get her with him was truly worth it. Only if...only if the lady he fought so vehemently and ferociously for was me.

It was at that moment I knew just how much he loved Ariah and it broke my heart into a million pieces. For a moment, I didn't see myself with him, I came to terms with the thought that there was truly no way of making Ethan mine. It seemed impossible for that brief moment, but then that determination within me, that doggedness sprung to life.

I had to get him, I had to make this powerful man mine. I couldn't believe that I once thought Ethan didn't know how to exercise his powers, but look at him! A man like him would make me completely fulfilled, not j
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