


“No , no I can't. What if someone finds out and catches our switch. I am already in trouble , what if you end up in my trouble too? No , no.” Mia shook her head continuously in disagreement.

“At Least listen to me first no one will find out we will switch everything from our phones to clothes. You taught me how to be you and I will teach you how to be me and then after a month we will get back to our own life's.” I said as Mia looked at me in uncertainty

“ Look, it's simple. I will cancel your marriage with Dante pretending to be you and you will act sweet and go through the month of detention period as a sweet girl at my home and college, both happy-happy." For a second Mia looked convinced but again she started shaking her head in disagreement.

I dragged her in front of the mirror and told her to look at us.

“ Just look at us, we look so similar no one will find out about it.”

I said smiling through the mirror towards Mia.

“Look carefully, there are more differences than we think. You have almond eyes when I have doe eyes , you have curly hair where I have straight silky hair and the one most common and simple difference is that you are simply more curvier than I am. Also our voices are a bit different.”

She paused for a moment trying to find the right words.

“Like how your voice is all bubbly filled with flowers and sunshine. While mine is a bit more sarcastic, sassy.”

I said completing her sentence off .Well she is not wrong, looking in the mirror except our total opposite personalities we do have some differences.

“ But hey you , yourself said that you only recently shifted back with your parents and didn't even spend much time with them and other family members, so they won't notice at all.”

“I am not worried about my family finding out. I am sure they are not gonna find out about this switch, no one puts that much attention on me in the family to notice any changes.” she responded.

“Then what's the problem?” I asked in a puzzle.

“The problem is whether anyone notices or not. But Dante will find out he is a super observing and sharp man, lily you don't realise how big of a problem you will get in if he finds out that we tried to fool him.” Mia replied. What is with this man, just his name terrifies this little girl.

I will make sure to teach him some lessons once I meet him.

“Don’t worry about him the way you explained about him. I know exactly how I am gonna handle him.” She looked at me unsure.

“Plus you just said that you only met this man , what once or twice that only for a few minutes. It's gonna be fine.” I looked at her with an assuring look.

“Ok if you are sure about this then let's do it.” she said, finally giving up on the debate.

“ Ahhhhh yessss” I shouted while jumping in excitement .

“ Ok, but let me train you how to be me ok.” I excitedly nodded. I don't even remember when was the last time I was this excited. I just love sneaky and risky stuff .

“ Ok now let's start the work.” Mia said, preparing to teach me.

I did everything she said for a whole hour , I smiled and laughed like a maniac till my cheeks started hurting so bad I can't even smile for real now.

“ Enough, enough that much should be fine I guess.” I said tiredly.

“Are you sure I think you should practise a little more so your fake smile won't look sarcastic.” Lily said with a concerned look.

“ Why do you even have to fake a smile? I can't smile at my own insults or at someone who I hate. And you should also not Mia.” I said as she looked at me unsure of what to say.

“You know I have learnt this thing over the years.”

“And what is that?” She asked in curiosity

“It is that you should not waste your precious emotions on trashy people, in fact you should save your smiles and tears for someone who really deserves them.” I said as mia straightens my hair for the second time so they look more straight like her.

“I still don't get it. Why don't you have many friends? You are literally the nicest person I have ever seen.”

“Well who cares I have you now as my best friend.” I said, hugging her from the side.

“Now come on now let me curl up your hair and till then. Tell me how you will handle it if someone calls you a bitch or tries to put you down?” I asked her as she looked at me for a minute thinking. And then replying with a proud face.

“I will say. You shouldn't talk like that to me. I am not a bitch and if you say any further, I will complain to the principal.”

The second I heard that I clapped my hand on my head. This girl is gonna ruin my tough reputation.

“Ok that is still better than instantly apologising. Just hear me out if anyone bullies you just look dead in their eyes with a serious face , that will help you some.” she nodded agreeing like a little kid.

God I am more scared for her than for my own self. After a few more minutes of practising and going through each other's phones.

We changed our clothes and got all ready. Now the only thing we need is for those bodyguards to find us , which Mia assured won't take long enough.

“ They can be here anytime. Take care of yourself Lily and make sure to maintain some distance with Dante, he is a dangerous man.”

“Don't worry I will handle him just fine.”

As we were done bidding our goodbyes and Mia was about to leave for my house we heard a knock on the door , Mia instantly hid in the bathroom and I opened the door . My guess was right it was the bodyguards who chased us earlier.

“Ms. Mia please stop hiding and running anymore your parents and Mr. Dante are worried about you now, respectfully please come with us.”

I didn't expect them to be so polite . One thing is sure the switch was unnoticed. They carried my bags and we left the hotel.

From today onwards to the next thirty days Lily is Mia. I am coming for you Tribeca , New York and for you too , Dante Romano .

We soon reached the airport and damn everyone was treating me like I am some important object being exported.

Like seriously we went through zero checking and there is this private jet just resting here for me to come and sit on.

This man sure likes to show his power.

Sitting in a jet as it took off I received Mia's message of her getting home safely.

After liking her message , I put my phone aside resting my eyes a little. In a few hours we landed in New York. Soon after two Rolls-Royces arrived in front of the airport and we got in.

The ride was silent just as silent as it was in the plane. For a few moments I even doubted if these bodyguards were breathing because of how dead silent they were.

Finally we reached the Mancini house , one of the bodyguards opened the door for me and said. “Here we are , your parents are waiting for you inside”.

While pointing at a massive house , the bodyguard started walking and I followed him in the house.

Ringing the bell the family butler came out and greeted us. He then took us straight to the hall where I saw four people sitting on the sofas.

A neatly-dressed couple which I remembered as Isabella and Aldo, Mia's parents. A girl a few years older than me who is Norah , Mia's elder sister which her parents adopted after losing their elder daughter. And a mysterious man giving dark vibes which I can't see the face of .

Mother Isabella is sweet , innocent and kind just like Mia , she loves her so much.

Father Aldo is smart and also kind but doesn't have much power in the Mancini family to take a stand for his own.

And sister Norah , well I don't know much about her but just by looking at her, I can tell how fake she is and so was the smile she was passing to that mysterious man.

“ We brought Ms. Mia back sir.”

One of the bodyguards said, grabbing everyone’s attention.

In an instant Isabella looked towards me and her eyes welled up. She rushed towards me and hugged me tight.

“Oh finally I was so worried about you Mia. I am so sorry for not being there for you when you needed me , It's all my fault.” I didn't know what to do so I just apologised.

“I am sorry mom, I shouldn't have run away from the house. I am sorry for making you worry.” I replied, patting her back and calming her down.

“Mom, let sis sit down first and let's not forget that we also have a guest here.” Norah said, pointing at that mysterious man.

“Yes , yes I was just too happy to see her. Thanks for being so thoughtful norah.” mom exclaimed

“Here sis , drink some water.” Norah said while passing me the glass.

“Here you too have some water Mr. Dante.” Norah also said to that mysterious man passing him the most obvious flirtatious look , ohh so he is the one and only Dante Romano.

“No thanks , I am good.” Dante said with a deep voice as he rises from his seat , finally facing me.

Wearing a perfect black tailored fitting suit with white shirt hugging his muscular body.

A tattoo covering the back of his right palm , he looked at me with his dark eyes that felt like there is more to this man than just met the eyes.

I am good at reading people but this man , he has this unfathomable look in his eyes . No wonder no one can look him in the eyes , even for me who loves darkness his aura is a bit heavy.

“It's good to have you back Mia. I guess we need to talk.”

he said, indicating the word talk . Mia explaining about his rude attitude and the way he bullied her suddenly came to my mind. This man needs to learn that not everything works his way.

“Sure why not , but tomorrow” I replied and looked at Isabella. “ I am a bit tired with all the travel mom. I am going to my room for some rest , bye.”

Dante's eyes narrowed a fraction of an inch and my parents and Norah looked at me in horror like I committed some serious crime.

But who cares I'll do things my way and if he wants to talk to me then he has to choose the way I choose.

Without saying anything else I went towards the stairs and came to my room, exactly how Mia showed me.

Thanks to her for giving me a thorough explanation of the house through some pictures.

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