
50. Girls’ trip

Adriana Jensen


“You’re living my dream life, Adriana.”

I laughed at Sophia’s words. “Your dream life is to go on a trip with your ex and find out he’s cheating on you, so you end up going after his uncle who you’re not sure really likes you but wants to keep you around anyway?”

“I don’t mind going through all that as long as the uncle is a handsome rich young man who commands attention wherever he goes.”

Saint did command attention wherever he found himself.

“She’s right.” Charlotte agreed. “Your situation is the real definition of as one door closes, another opens. I don’t know what you did in your past life to be this lucky.”

I blushed. So this was what it felt like to hear others brag about your partner? They never did this when I was still with Ben. They didn’t talk bad about him but they didn’t exactly praise him either, but maybe, that was because he wasn’t very present in my life.

I’d known Saint for all of two months and he loved picking me up and buying me stuff. He even
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