
Big Bang

As the doomsday clock of the missile ticked down to its final moments, the air crackled with an eerie tension. The Devil and his brothers stood frozen, their eyes fixed on the looming threat above. Then, in a sudden burst of blinding light, the missile streaked upward, leaving a fiery trail in its wake.

At first, there was a collective gasp as the missile soared higher and higher, its ominous presence casting a shadow over the island. Then, as if defying the impending catastrophe, the night sky erupted into a kaleidoscope of brilliance. The missile detonated in a spectacular display, unleashing a dazzling array of colors that painted the heavens.

The explosion transformed the dark canvas of the night into a breathtaking spectacle, each burst of light illuminating the faces of the Devil and his brothers in a surreal glow. The resounding boom echoed across the island, reverberating through the very core of their beings.

Amidst the chaos of light and sound, a sense of wonder and relief w
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