

"Can you stop? You're making my head spin!" 

Celestine, who had been pacing back and forth, fell silent and looked at Lilyana with annoyance. 

"Lily, come on! You're telling me to stop thinking? While you just relax," Celestine grumbled.

"You're so cruel. Don't you respect my heartbreak? I just got cheated on, Cele! And turn off that annoying phone of yours, it keeps ringing!" 

Celestine snorted. She then slammed the tab in her hand onto the bed Lilyana was sitting on. 

"Broken heart, you say? This is even more important than your broken heart! Read this news, and see your face everywhere!"

Lilyana scowled and ate her snack in annoyance. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the news headlines with her name on them. Lilyana even saw some video footage, as well as photos of her that were widely spread on social media. She didn't even open her account because it would have been swarmed by netizens. 

Hot News!

Lilyana - the only daughter of tycoon Sterne was involved in a fight with her boyfriend, Rafael.

Beautiful model, Lilyana Aaralyn Sterne is at it again! This time Lilyana committed an act of violence against her boyfriend. 

Rafael Benitez, the handsome up-and-coming actor, was abused by his girlfriend, Lilyana Aaralyn Sterne.

Revealed! Lilyana was abusing and exploiting her assistant.

Not only was she abusive. Lilyana was also involved in a bullying case against the assistant who worked with her. 

Lilyana's assistant's confession...

"Why did they put such an ugly picture? Look, they should have chosen a pretty picture of me."

Celestine sighed in frustration. Was that the problem? Why did she have to be the manager of this woman in front of her. Oh God! It looked like she was going to die young.

Celestine's head felt like it was about to burst. Partly Lilyana's manager, she was of course the most bothered when Lilyana was seen in a scandal, not just one but two! So many people contacted her, especially the brands involved in the contract. They have to bear the loss if many brands cancel the contract.

Celestine massaged her temples, "You sneaky fox! Fuck!"

"You should have just killed them! You don't have to give them any mercy. I don't think getting beaten up will make them realize themselves! Crazy humans! They're the ones cheating on you, you're the one getting blasted and oh God! The career you've worked so hard for," Celestine grumbled.

"Who advised me to be nicer to him?" said Lilyana casually.

"Hey! Who would have guessed that your assistant who always puts on an innocent face was flirting with your lover! Oh no! They're both such assholes! Damn it!" Celestine grumbled again.

Lilyana rolled her eyes. Compared to anyone else, she was certainly the most shaken. Her loyalty had been wasted. Even her pride seemed to have been trampled because Rafael was having an affair with Anastasya, the assistant who worked with him. 

At least he had lessened his heartache after torturing those two. Cruel? That was his middle name. Sterne's blood runs thick in his body, and Sterne will not stay silent when his pride is trampled on. 

Once again, this was the last thing Lilyana would do to save her pride as a woman and also bear the name Sterne.

"What if this scandal of yours really ruins your career? Oh God! It's even worse if you go to jail because of this case."

"If you remember, I'm still Sterne. I will still enjoy my life, even if my career is ruined. And, Sterne's power can set me free easily," Lilyana said smugly.

Well, who could doubt the wealth and power of the Sterne family? The most influential family in the New York. Even if many storms hit, the Sterne would still stand firm. 

Celestine started guessing. How long would it take Mr. Sterne, Lilyana's father, to delete all the news about Lilyana's scandal.

A few hours, just a few hours. All the news about Lilyana's scandal in both electronic and social media disappeared. 

In fact, Lilyana's fulfillment of the police summons for an investigation into the violence and bullying committed against her former lover and assistant did not last long. 

Lilyana was released after the men in black who were her father's subordinates arrived. Celestine had to cover her mouth because she was so mesmerized. Everything was so easy when money was involved.


"We need to talk--"

"Shut up you bastard!" cut Celestine off with an annoyed look at Rafael. 

"Cele, let's go! I've got nothing to do with him," said Lilyana as she pulled Celestine's arm which looked like it was about to tear Rafael apart.

"How shameless!"

"Having an affair, then reporting yourself to the police station, and coming to see you with her sinless face. Hah! Maybe he's gone mad, since he couldn't get you thrown in jail. Look at her face! He seems to have run out of money," Celestine babbled. 

Lilyana just sighed, then closed her eyes as the car she was in drove away from the police station. 

"Cele, let me rest for a while," Lilyana muttered.

Celestine looked at Lilyana with concern. Her hands moved to bring Lilyana's head onto her shoulders so that the woman could sleep comfortably. 

She had known Lilyana for almost her entire life. Not just as a manager, the two were like sisters since they had been friends since kindergarten. 

"Cele, I thought I was going to die after this," Lilyana lamented softly.

"Hey! Even if you get cheated on, you can still beat up those bastards. How could you suddenly die--"

Celestine's words were cut short as the woman covered her mouth with wide eyes. 

"Mr. Sterne!"

"Well, you forgot my father."

"Lily! I guess you're right. Looks like I'll have to prepare your funeral," Celestine said as she looked at Lilyana sadly. 

Lilyana looked at Celestine in horror, "This time I'm really dead."

Compared to anything else, Mr. Sterne or his father's anger was the scariest thing. From the beginning, Mr. Sterne was the one who was most opposed to Lilyana's career and relationship with Rafael. What's more, Lilyana now messed things up with a huge scandal. 

This time, can Lilyana still survive? Or will this be the end of Lilyana Sterne?

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