

The atmosphere in Mr. Sterne's room is very tense. The sky outside the window was blackened, as if depressed by the rage inside the mansion. Lilyana, a model renowned for her beauty and charm, sat with her face downcast before her father, Mr. Sterne, the most successful and respected businessman in the New York.

"Lilyana Aaralyn Sterne!" 

Lilyana closed her eyes as she heard Mr. Sterne's voice booming throughout the room, even more so when her father said her name in full. This time, she had really angered Mr. Sterne.

"What were you thinking? How could you do such a stupid thing?" Mr. Sterne gave Lilyana a sharp look.

Lilyana's body shivered, she was frightened and unprepared for Mr. Sterne's anger. Lilyana swallowed with difficulty. "I'm sorry, Father. I can't control my anger."

As a Sterne, Lilyana had been trained with various rigorous training, one of which was emotional control. However, at that moment she was failed by the feelings that were wracking her tightly. 

"Because of your carelessness, you almost went to jail. The career you were proud of was ruined! The reputation of the Sterne family is tarnished!" Mr. Sterne sneered.

Lilyana was silent, not daring to reply or defend herself. She knew her father was right. The scandal involving her and her former lover and assistant had made headlines in the media. Even if her father had cleaned it up, people already knew about it. 

The career she had worked so hard to build, her brilliant career in modeling was in danger of being ruined or perhaps already completely ruined.

"I can't understand it," Mr. Sterne continued, his voice dropping slightly. "How could you act so recklessly? Isn't there a dirty way you could have done it? A way that doesn't get your hands dirty, but cleans up those two pieces of trash where they belong."

"I... I just wanted to defend my pride, Sterne's pride. Wasn't it father who taught me to uphold the Sterne name? And being cheated on with a lowly human would only hurt Sterne's pride." Lilyana tried to explain. 

Of course, that fact was already known to Mr. Sterne. Mr. Sterne's eyes and ears were everywhere and placed all around her.

"Never mind. I don't want to hear your excuses anymore. Lily, you disappointed me so much this time. You dared to defy me, but it ended tragically.”

Lilyana bowed her head deeper and deeper, regret gnawing at her heart. She had made a big mistake and had to bear the consequences.

From the beginning, Mr. Sterne had been against her modeling career. The middle-aged man loved his daughter more than anything, so he did not want Lilyana to fall into the world of entertainment. A world that had a dark side and was too cruel for his good daughter. However, Lilyana didn't care and went into modeling without carrying the Sterne name. She eventually went on to have a successful career and made Sterne proud. Her big mistake, Lilyana was in love with a man in the same world. 

"But," Mr. Sterne continued, his voice suddenly becoming more stern. "I still have one chance for you."

Lilyana raised her head, her eyes full of curiosity. "You mean father?"

Mr. Sterne looked at Lilyana with a sharp gaze. "I will set you up with a man," he said. "A good and honorable man. He will help you improve your life."

Lilyana gaped. "What?! A match?" 

This time Mr. Sterne looked at Lilyana with warm, compassionate eyes. "I only want what is best for you. Lily, you are the only daughter I have. I certainly don't want you to choose the wrong partner. I want to see you happy, before I-"

"Before you die? Is that so?" cut in Lilyana quickly.

Lilyana snorted, "You think I'll be touched by your death-bringing words? Dad, wake up, this isn't a movie or a drama. You even look more like a sugar daddy than a dirt-smelling old man."

"I don't want to hear any more arguments. This is the final decision!" said Mr. Sterne.

"Then you marry that nice guy," Lilyana said, causing Mr. Sterne to glare.

Lilyana folded her arms across her chest, as if challenging her father. Where had the timid Lilyana gone? That's right. This was the real Lilyana, defiant and fearless. 

"I refuse this arranged marriage! You're the only one who marries for love, and I want to.”

Lilyana did not want to be trapped in an arranged marriage. Her love story should be as beautiful as her parents' marriage story. Loving each other, faithful until death do you part. Even her father, who was notorious in the business world, was a loyal and loving family man. Her father's loyalty after the death of her mother made him an idol for Lilyana. She must find a man with Mr. Sterne's love and loyalty. 

Mr. Sterne clucked, "Love? Isn't your ex-lover the man you chose with love? Then what did you get? Betrayal?"

Lilyana scowled and looked at her father with hostility. "Yes, it was just a mistake."

"If you continue to force this arranged marriage, I will leave this mansion!" continued Lilyana threateningly.

Mr. Sterne looked at Lilyana dismissively, especially Lilyana who seemed to be challenging him. Lilyana had indeed inherited his blood, stubborn and unwilling to give in. It was only her appearance that exactly resembled his late wife.

"Alright. Please come out! Why are you still standing in front of me?"

Lilyana gaped and stared at Mr. Sterne with an incredulous look. How easy was it to kick him out? Shouldn't parents persuade their children or give in? But her father? He didn't seem to care, as if he was waiting for her to leave.

"Goodbye!" said Lilyana as she left, slamming the door to Mr. Sterne's room.

Mr. Sterne jumped in surprise. Rubbing his chest patiently, "You stubborn bastard!"

Mr. Sterne folded his hands in front of his chest as he looked at the monitor screen showing the CCTV footage of Lilyana. Afterward, he received a report from the bodyguards standing guard outside the mansion.

"Mr. Sterne, young lady is forcing her way out."

"Leave it alone, if necessary, provide a wide exit."

Mr. Sterne stared flatly at Lilyana's departure, then a lopsided smile was etched on his face. He would wait to see if Lilyana would regret her decision. 

"Huh, my Lily. You're going to do something futile.”

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