
Chapter 53

“Are you dating anyone, Beau Thibodeaux?”

Her question and the sing-song way she says my name makes me laugh.

“No, Ella, I am not.”

“What a coincidence. Neither am I.”

She presses her cheek against mine, and I can’t help but smile. I’ve never met anyone who’s so damn adorable and sexy all at the same time.

When we’re back at the barn, I set her down outside and grab the hose.

“All right, swamp girl, let’s get you cleaned up.”

I turn the hose on and help her wash most of the swamp off her. The vision of water sliding down her tits, belly, and thighs is almost more than I can take. That bikini is hiding nothing, and thanks to the cold hose water, her nipples are rock hard.

She’d put her hair in a loose braid today, and I watch as she undoes it so I can wash it out. The softness of her long hair glides between my fingers, and against my better judgement I use my hand to wash away a leaf from her bare back. My fingertips slide down her soft, wet skin, and I know if I don’t stop, I’m going
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